Issue - meetings

Vale of White Horse Local Plan to 2011

Meeting: 02/06/2006 - Executive (Item 22)

22 Vale of White Horse Local Plan to 2011 pdf icon PDF 33 KB

Appended to this agenda is report 7/06 of the Deputy Director (Planning and Community Strategy) to the Strategic and Local Planning Advisory Group and the Development Control Committee.  The Advisory Group and the Committee met on 24 May 2006 to consider this report in detail and make recommendations to the Executive.  These will circulated separately after the despatch of this agenda. 


Introduction and Report Summary


Members will recall that following the consideration of the Inspector’s Report on the Local Plan 2011 the Council’s statement of decisions on the Inspector’s recommendations and its proposed modifications to the Local Plan were published for comment between 23 March and 4 May.


The purpose of this report is to consider the representations received and decide whether any further modifications should be made before the Local Plan is formally adopted.


Appendix 1 to this report contains a schedule of representations received together with the officers’ responses and suggested recommendations to Executive and Council.  Appendix 2 contains a list of policies subject to proposed modifications where no objections have been received.  The Council at its meeting on 22 March agreed that such policies could be given full weight when considering planning applications.


The contact officer for this report are Katie Barrett, Section Head: Planning Strategy, contact Tel No: 01235 540339 and Grant Audley-Miller, Section Head (Environmental Planning & Conservation), contact Tel No. 01235 540343. 




That the Advisory Group and the Development Control Committee recommend the Executive to recommend Council to:


(i)         note the representations received on the Council’s decisions on the Inspector’s recommendations and the proposed modifications to the Local Plan and agree the officers’ observations and recommendations;


(ii)        accept there is no justification for making further substantive changes to the Local Plan which would require the publication of further proposed modifications;


(iii)       delegate authority to the Deputy Director (Planning and Community Strategy) to make minor editorial changes and up-dates to the Local Plan prior to adoption;


(iv)       adopt the Local Plan as proposed to be modified and authorise officers to give notice of this decision and take the remaining necessary steps in accordance with the regulations.

Additional documents:


(Time: 3.40pm to 3.46pm)


Appended to the Executive's agenda was report 7/06 of the Deputy Director (Planning and Community Strategy) to the Strategic and Local Planning Advisory Group and the Development Control Committee. 


Members recalled that following the consideration of the Inspector’s Report on the Local Plan to 2011, the Council’s statement of decisions on the Inspector’s recommendations and its proposed modifications to the Local Plan were published for comment between 23 March and 4 May 2006.  Report 7/06 set out the detailed responses from the public and consultees, together with the recommendations from the Planning Officers.  The Executive also received additional representations from Ashbury Parish Council and Persimmon Homes.  The Advisory Group and the Committee had met on 24 May 2006 to consider this report in detail and had made recommendations to the Executive.  These were included in a briefing note circulated after the despatch of the agenda. 


The Advisory Group and Committee also had before them letters from Pro Vision dated 28 April and 19 May 2006 concerning the future development of land at the Letcombe Laboratory site, Letcombe Regis (Local Plan Policy H8B).  Counsel's opinion had been sought on a response to the points raised.  This had not been received and was expected in the week commencing 5 June 2006.  Members asked that when received, Counsel's opinion should be circulated to all Members of the Council as Exempt information. 


The Development Control Committee had concluded that there should be no further substantive changes to the Local Plan.  However, the following minor changes were suggested to the Deputy Director (Planning and Community Strategy) to be made prior to adoption of the plan:

·         Paragraph 5.24 of the Local Plan should be further amended to read 'The developer will also be required to fund…'

·         In relation to the housing site south of Lime Road, Botley, to investigate the possibility of protecting trees on the boundary of the site


The Executive concurred with the views of the Advisory Group and the Development Control Committee, subject to Counsel's opinion on the former Dow site at Letcombe Regis. 




(a)       that the representations received on the Council’s decisions on the Inspector’s recommendations and the proposed modifications to the Local Plan be noted and the officers’ observations and recommendations be agreed as amended, subject to Counsel's opinion on the fall back position and potential abandonment of the former Dow site at Letcombe Regis;


(b)       that there is no justification for making further substantive changes to the Local Plan which would require the publication of further proposed modifications;


(c)       that authority be delegated to the Deputy Director (Planning and Community Strategy) to make minor editorial changes and up-dates to the Local Plan prior to adoption; and


(d)       that the Vale of White Horse Local Plan to 2011 be adopted, as proposed to be modified, and authority be delegated to the Deputy Director (Planning and Community Strategy) to give notice of  ...  view the full minutes text for item 22