Issue - meetings

Virements and Permanent Budget Adjustments

Meeting: 05/04/2007 - Executive (Item 225)

225 Financial Monitoring pdf icon PDF 41 KB

Members are requested to consider the attached requests for virements. 


Also attached to the agenda are the supplementary estimates noted at the last meeting of the Executive, but now showing the correct total.  These are to be noted. 

Additional documents:


(Time: 2.55pm to 2.57pm)


The Executive received and considered requests to approve three virements totaling £20,800 and noted other virements approved under delegated authority totaling £7,400. 


Also appended to the agenda were the supplementary estimates noted at the last meeting of the Executive, now showing the correct total of £35,740.  These were noted. 




that the virements be approved, as set out on the agenda.