Issue - meetings

Referrals from the Overview and Scrutiny Committees and Other Committees

Meeting: 05/04/2007 - Executive (Item 224)

224 Referrals from the Overview and Scrutiny Committees and Other Committees pdf icon PDF 324 KB

Best Value Performance Indicators – Performance against Top and Bottom Quartile 2005/06


At its meeting on 15 March 2007, the Scrutiny Committee considered report 159/06 - Best Value Performance Indicators – Performance against Top and Bottom Quartile 2005/06 and resolved:


"that the Executive takes up with the Audit Commission, through the Local Government Association, the relevance of some of the Best Value Performance Indicators, especially those that conflict with each other (BVPI 82aii [tonnage of waste recycled] and 84a [household waste collected]) and those outside the control of the Council – Crime (BVPI 126 [domestic burglaries], 127 [violent crimes and robberies], 128 [vehicle crimes], 156 [percentage of authority buildings open to the public and accessible to the disabled] and 175 [racial incidents])."  

Additional documents:


The Executive received references from the Scrutiny Committee, the Personnel, Regulatory and Appeals Committee, and the Taxi Licensing Sub-Committee as follows. 


(1)        Scrutiny Committee

Best Value Performance Indicators – Performance against Top and Bottom Quartile 2005/06

(Time: 2.46pm to 2.52pm)


At its meeting on 15 March 2007, the Scrutiny Committee considered report 159/06 - Best Value Performance Indicators – Performance against Top and Bottom Quartile 2005/06 and resolved:


"that the Executive takes up with the Audit Commission, through the Local Government Association, the relevance of some of the Best Value Performance Indicators, especially those that conflict with each other (BVPI 82aii [tonnage of waste recycled] and 84a [household waste collected]) and those outside the control of the Council – Crime (BVPI 126 [domestic burglaries], 127 [violent crimes and robberies], 128 [vehicle crimes], 156 [percentage of authority buildings open to the public and accessible to the disabled] and 175 [racial incidents])." 


The Executive thanked the Scrutiny Committee for supporting the Executive's concerns about some of the Best Value Performance Indicators being contradictory and in conflict with the Government's and the Council's aims and some of the Indicators being outside of the Council's control.  Members were unhappy about the Council being urged to collect and recycle green waste when it was believed to be better to persuade the public to compost green waste at home.  Other examples were given.  The Council could not control the levels of burglary in the District but was working with the Police to reduce burglary through measures such as alley gates and dispersal orders. 


Members asked that a letter was written to the Audit Commission along the lines suggested by the Scrutiny Committee. 




that the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Chair of the Executive, be requested to take up with the Audit Commission, through the Local Government Association, the relevance of some of the Best Value Performance Indicators, especially those that are contradictory and in conflict with the Government's and the Council's aims (BVPI 82aii [tonnage of waste recycled] and 84a [household waste collected]) and those outside the control of the Council – Crime (BVPI 126 [domestic burglaries], 127 [violent crimes and robberies], 128 [vehicle crimes], 156 [percentage of authority buildings open to the public and accessible to the disabled] and 175 [racial incidents]). 


(2)        Taxi Licensing Sub-Committee

Taxi and Private Hire Vehicles Policy

(Time: 2.52pm to 2.53pm)


At its meeting on 29 March 2007, the Taxi Licensing Sub-Committee considered a draft Taxi and Private Hire Vehicles policy.  The Sub-Committee had amended the policy and the amended version was appended to a briefing note to the Executive.  Members of the Executive noted that the policy was a draft for consultation with the Taxi and Private Hire trade.  This would need the Council's approval first.  The Executive commended the draft policy as attached to the briefing note. 




that the draft Taxi and Private Hire Vehicles Policy, as appended to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 224