8 Integrated care strategy PDF 433 KB
To consider the head of policy and programmes’ report.
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Councillor Andy Crawford declared an interest in this item as his wife was chair of the Oxfordshire Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee. He remained in the meeting during the consideration of this item.
Cabinet considered the head of policy and programmes’ report. This recommended the endorsement of an Integrated Care Strategy. The report explained that the Integrated Care Board was the new National Health Service (NHS) body that received funds from NHS England and planned and bought services for Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West. The Health and Care Act 2022 set new statutory requirements for the Integrated Care Board, one of which was to produce an Integrated Care Strategy.
The strategy had been developed by the Integrated Care Partnership, which consisted of health and care partners across Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire, and Berkshire West. The strategy set out priorities to support improved health and wellbeing, with an emphasis on prevention. The vision was for residents to have the best possible start in life, to live happier, healthier lives for longer, and to get the right support when they needed it. To achieve the vision, the partnership had developed the Integrated Care Strategy, including a set of priorities that partners would work towards. The strategy had been subject to consultation; Cabinet was asked to endorse it.
Cabinet considered that it was important to endorse the strategy, believing it to be a key step towards the integration of local health and care services. It would also release funding for these services as new housing was delivered.
Cabinet looked forward to seeing the action plan to implement the strategy. However, members asked how the partnership could be held accountable for its performance. Officers reported that there were two options. Firstly, South Oxfordshire District Councillor David Rouane had been appointed as the Oxfordshire district councils’ representative on the Integrated Care Partnership and so could feedback this council’s views. Secondly, the council’s Scrutiny Committee had within its terms of reference the ability to hold other public service providers to account. The committee could review and scrutinise the performance of other public bodies in the area, invite reports from them, and request them to address the Scrutiny Committee about their activities and performance. Officers agreed to raise this with the Scrutiny Committee’s chair.
RESOLVED: to endorse the Integrated Care Strategy, as set out in appendix 1 to the head of policy and programmes’ report to Cabinet on 23 June 2023.
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