Issue - meetings

Climate Action Plan Performance Report, quarter 3 2022/23

Meeting: 10/03/2023 - Cabinet (Item 83)

83 Climate Action Plan Performance Report, quarter 3 2022/23 pdf icon PDF 13 MB

To consider the head of policy and programmes’ report. 


Cabinet considered the Climate Action Plan Performance Report for quarter 3, 2022/23.  This set out progress against the Climate Action Plan during the period 1 October to 31 December 2022. 


Cabinet welcomed the report.  It showed the council’s commitment to tackling the climate emergency, putting climate action at the heart of its activities.  Many projects had been completed successfully; others were still in progress.  The tree planting and wildflower planting schemes, and the decarbonisation of some leisure centres were highlighted in particular; Cabinet hoped such schemes would inspire others.  Officers were congratulated for their work. 


RESOLVED: to note the Climate Action Plan Performance Report Quarter 3, 2022/23. 


Vale of White Horse District Council