Issue - meetings

Oxfordshire Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Strategy - to approve the strategy

Meeting: 09/04/2021 - Cabinet (Item 104)

104 Oxfordshire Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Strategy pdf icon PDF 162 KB

To consider the report of the acting deputy chief executive – transformation and operations. 

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Cabinet considered the report of the acting deputy chief executive – transformation and operations.  This set out a draft strategy to provide the infrastructure for electric vehicles to 2025.  This was an Oxfordshire-wide strategy that was being presented to all principal councils for adoption. 


The strategy’s objectives were to:

·           enable and deliver public electric vehicle charging strategically across Oxfordshire

·           adopt a common approach to managing electric vehicle charging in the council’s car parks

·           enable residents without access to private off-road parking to access a range of options for electric vehicle charging

·           encourage new developments to install high quality electric vehicle charging infrastructure

·           set standards for the quality of public electric vehicle charging in Oxfordshire, which support the development of a network, which was high quality, open, accessible and future-proofed

·           work with partners to encourage other landowners to install electric vehicle charging infrastructure for businesses, residents and other users. 


The options open to Cabinet were to either adopt or not adopt the strategy.  Cabinet believed that if it did not adopt the strategy the council would have the ability to develop its own, alternative strategy that addressed the needs of the Vale.  However, this was not a Vale-only issue.  Cabinet considered that there were greater benefits of adopting a county-wide strategy, such as sharing of expertise and learning in introducing an electric vehicle infrastructure, greater access to external funding opportunities, economies of scale in working with others, and increased viability to engage with the private sector. 


Adopting the strategy also supported the council’s corporate objective to tackle the climate emergency.  It would support the transition to decarbonising transport.  Several changes had been made to the strategy following this council’s input.  Emphasis had been improved to give equal access to electric vehicle infrastructure in all parts of Oxfordshire, not just in urban areas.  The council had pushed for equal access to rural areas, remote locations, and those living in areas of deprivation, based on need. 


Some concern was expressed at the strategy’s reliance on electric vehicles as being the answer to combat climate change.  Cabinet had concerns over the environmental impacts of the underwater mining of materials used in the manufacture of electric vehicle batteries.  Cabinet supported measures to reduce the negative environmental impacts of electric vehicle battery production, through for example, responding to any relevant government consultations and backing research and innovation in new technologies. 


Cabinet recognised that the strategy was a step in the right direction, encouraging the use of electric vehicles over those powered by fossil fuels.  However, Cabinet considered that the strategy must evolve, and work towards greener public transport and active travel, with less reliance on private cars.  Cabinet added a third resolution, requesting that the Members’ Steering Board reviewed the strategy annually to ensure that it remained complimentary to emerging strategies and changing technology. 


In answer to a question from a Cabinet member, the chief executive undertook to determine whether the council could require electric vehicle charging infrastructure on new development. 




(a)      adopt  ...  view the full minutes text for item 104


Vale of White Horse District Council