81 S106 Request - Shrivenham Sports Pavilion PDF 291 KB
To consider the report of the interim head of development and regeneration.
Cabinet considered the interim head of development and regeneration’s report on a request by Shrivenham Parish Council for section 106 funding towards a new sports pavilion in the village.
The report highlighted that while Shrivenham’s Memorial Hall was of insufficient size and structure to cater for the needs of an expanding village, the building was not able to provide additional space for changing and showering facilities due to its listed status. A new sports pavilion would provide accessible sporting and community facilities needed for the local community.
Cabinet was satisfied that this was a worthwhile project and the risks identified in the report could be mitigated. Cabinet supported the creation of a budget of £378,537.80 for this project.
RECOMMENDED to Council on 10 February 2021 to:
(a) approve funding to Shrivenham Parish Council on behalf of Viscountess Barrington Memorial Hall and Recreation Ground Trust in its capacity as the sole trustee of the Trust towards a new sports pavilion to be erected by the Trust on the Recreation Ground owned by the Trust and to create a budget of £378,537.80;
(b) authorise the interim head of development and regeneration in consultation with the head of legal and democratic to:
· agree a funding agreement with Shrivenham Parish Council in its capacity as the sole trustee of the Trust to govern the terms of use of the S106 funding; the instalments in which the funding is paid; the timing of instalments; the conditions subject to which instalments are paid and to otherwise protect the interests of Vale of White Horse District Council as the provider of the funding;
· include Shrivenham Parish Council as a party to the funding agreement in its own right where necessary or desirable to facilitate the carrying out and completion of the new sports pavilion project by the Trust;
· approve the payment to Shrivenham Parish Council of £361,423.96 towards the new sports pavilion project subject to and in accordance with the funding agreement; and
· approve the payment to Shrivenham Parish Council of the portion of £17,113.84 recovered (minus legal costs) on completion of a Deed of Variation to repurpose a Changing Rooms Contribution received under Agreement 16V52 subject to and in accordance with the terms of the funding agreement;
(c) approve the payment of instalments three and four of the Sports and Leisure Contribution (Shrivenham recreation ground pavilion) as defined in clause 1.1.33 of S106 Agreement 16V30 and the Cricket Facilities Contribution, as defined in clause one of the Second Schedule of S106 Agreement 17V14 to the Shrivenham Sports Pavilion project:
· to Shrivenham Parish Council subject to and in accordance with the funding agreement, on creation of a budget to the value stated above, with no requirement for ... view the full minutes text for item 81
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Vale of White Horse District Council
Abbey House, Abbey Close,
OX14 3JE