Issue - meetings

Strategic vision for Oxfordshire - to agree a response to the public engagement

Meeting: 04/12/2020 - Cabinet (Item 57)

57 Strategic vision for Oxfordshire pdf icon PDF 160 KB

To consider the report of the acting deputy chief executive – partnerships. 

Additional documents:


Cabinet considered the report of the acting deputy chief executive – partnerships.  This sought Cabinet’s views on the first draft of a strategic vision for Oxfordshire. 


Through the Growth Board, Oxfordshire’s principal councils had collectively expressed their desire for plans, strategies, programmes and investment priorities for Oxfordshire to be ambition-led and outcome-focussed.  This required councils to maximise impact by working together based on shared strategic priorities and by embracing innovation to develop solutions.  Developing a strategic vision for Oxfordshire was an opportunity to achieve this. 


The vision set out how the plans, strategies and programmes for Oxfordshire, including the Oxfordshire Plan 2050, could be ambition-led and outcome focussed, facilitating a step-change in the approach to delivering sustainable development in Oxfordshire.  If successful, the vision would achieve the following outcomes by 2050:

·         This would be the first generation to leave Oxfordshire's natural environment in a better state than that in which it found it.  The natural environment would be more biodiverse, supporting social, economic and ecological resilience and the capacity to adapt to change. 

·         Oxfordshire would already be carbon neutral and be moving towards a carbon-negative future, in which the county was removing more carbon than it emitted each year. 

·         The population would be healthier and happier, inequalities would have been reduced, young people would feel excited about their future, and the overall well-being of the population would have improved. 

·         The economy of Oxfordshire would be successful and sustainable, making the most of all our people and with quality places where people want to live and work. 

·         We would have energy efficient, well-designed homes, sufficient in numbers, location, type, size, tenure and affordability to meet the needs of our residents. 

·         Movement around Oxfordshire would be transformed, with greater connectivity and mobility in and between places in ways that enhance environmental, social and economic well-being. 

·         Our communities would be rooted and flourishing, with enhanced and lasting connectedness driven by individual and community action. 


Cabinet welcomed the draft strategic vision but considered that it must not be ignored once in place.  There would be a need to create a balance between growth and sustainability.  All councils and agencies would need to support it.  The council’s plans and strategies would need to fit Oxfordshire’s vision. 


Councillors were asked to feed back any detailed comments to the Cabinet member by 11 December to allow time for a response to be drafted to the consultation document. 




(a)      authorise the acting deputy chief executive – partnerships to develop a response to the strategic vision engagement exercise, in consultation with the Cabinet member for strategic partnerships, reflecting the views expressed at this meeting; and


(b)      invite Cabinet members to provide any further comments on the draft strategic vision for Oxfordshire to the acting deputy chief executive – partnerships.


Vale of White Horse District Council