Issue - meetings

Oxfordshire Growth Board governance

Meeting: 16/01/2020 - Joint Scrutiny Committee (Item 20)

20 Governance of the Oxfordshire Growth Board pdf icon PDF 142 KB

To consider the head of partnership and insight’s report. 

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Councillors Andy Cooke, Peter Dragonetti and Hayleigh Gascoigne all declared personal interests in this item as they were members of the Growth Board’s Scrutiny Panel. 


The committee considered the head of partnership and insight’s report on the organisation and governance of the Oxfordshire Growth Board.  The report set out the scope and purpose of the Growth Board, the membership and resources, its decision-making, its role in the Oxfordshire Housing and Growth Deal, and details of the Growth Board review currently taking place.  The leaders of South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse district councils were present and answered the committee’s questions. 


The Growth Board was a joint committee consisting of six voting members, who were the leaders of Oxfordshire’s six principal councils.  There were also non-voting members invited to the table to take an active part at each meeting.  The board meetings were well-attended by the public, many of which took up the opportunity to address the Growth Board during a public speaking session.  The Growth Board also had a separate Scrutiny Panel and several sub-groups to concentrate on specific subjects. 


The Growth Board had commenced a review of its operations and was due to publish a report on the outcome shortly.  Committee members were urged to read this document and to come to the Growth Board meetings or those of its Scrutiny Panel.  The committee noted that the Oxfordshire Housing and Growth Deal was a deal between the government and the principal councils in Oxfordshire.  This deal was part of the Growth Board’s work but not its sole focus.  The deal had previously been subject to scrutiny. 


RESOLVED: to note the head of partnership and insight’s report. 



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