Issue - meetings

Affordable housing - to consider various affordable housing matters

Meeting: 03/02/2020 - Cabinet (Item 41)

41 Affordable Housing and Oxfordshire Growth Deal pdf icon PDF 167 KB

To consider the head of development and regeneration’s report. 

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Cabinet considered the head of development and regeneration’s report, which updated on progress with the Joint Housing Delivery Strategy 2018-2028 action plan.  The report recommended support for Oxfordshire Housing and Growth Deal funding to be awarded to an identified Extra Care project, together with the creation of a top-up fund to supplement additional Growth Deal projects where a shortfall in grant requirement was demonstrated.  The report sought authority to enter into legal agreements relating to Growth Deal and Registered Provider funding conditions.  The report also sought approval for the exploration of a potential joint housing delivery company with South Oxfordshire District Council. 


The Cabinet member reported that the Growth Deal had an affordable housing element and options had been explored to deliver affordable housing in the Vale.  The Cabinet member recommended that Cabinet supported a project for up to 80 Extra Care accommodation units, with Growth Deal funding of up to £2.9 million.  This development would be located in Didcot (in the parish of Harwell).  The project would contribute to the Growth Deal target and was subject to negotiation with Oxfordshire County Council.  Up to £746,500 top-up funding might be required from the Vale, to be funded from section 106 financial contributions. 


Cabinet supported the proposal, believing that this would give the council the best chance of delivering extra care housing.  Cabinet also asked officers to develop a strategy on how to spend the affordable housing funds and bring that to Cabinet in due course. 




(a)      award Oxfordshire Growth Deal funding (subject also to the approval of the Growth Deal Programme Board, planning permission for the scheme and transfer of the land to Housing 21 from Oxfordshire County Council) of up to £2.9 million for an Extra Care Housing Scheme of up to 80 dwellings which is anticipated will be delivered on Great Western Park, Didcot (parish of Harwell);


(b)      approve the use of section 106 financial contribution commuted sums as ‘top up funding’ up to a maximum total of £746,500 in connection with the Oxfordshire Growth Deal, the levels of which to be identified and approved on a scheme by scheme basis;


(c)       authorise the chief executive to enter into a legal agreement with Oxfordshire County Council, in respect of the detailed funding arrangements for the affordable housing element of the Oxfordshire Growth Deal;


(d)      authorise the head of development and regeneration to enter into a funding agreement with Housing 21 (a Registered Provider) in connection with (a) above; and


(e)      enter into a joint approach with South Oxfordshire District Council to explore a joint solution to the delivery of affordable housing through a joint council delivery vehicle. 


Vale of White Horse District Council