Issue - meetings

Didcot Garden Town - to approve new governance arrangements and recommend capacity funding allocation to Council

Meeting: 03/02/2020 - Cabinet (Item 44)

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To consider the head of partnership and insight’s report. 

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Cabinet considered the head of partnership and insight’s report on Didcot Garden Town.  The report recommended approval of a revised governance structure and approval of project priorities. 


The Cabinet member reported that the revised governance model was simpler and more inclusive, adding a parish council representative to the Didcot Garden Town Advisory Board.  This representative would be from one of the five parish councils within the Garden Town boundary. 


It was noted that the Joint Scrutiny Committee had considered the report on 16 January 2020 and supported the recommendations with the following changes:

·           the parish council representative on the Didcot Garden Town Advisory Board be chosen from the five parish councils within the Didcot Garden Town boundary; and

·           recommend that the Didcot Garden Town Advisory Board considers adding a voting member to increase its environmental representation. 


The Cabinet member proposed the recommendations set out in the report together with Joint Scrutiny Committee’s additions.  It was noted that the Advisory Board had met and welcomed the suggestion for environmental representation and would give this consideration. 


Cabinet supported the recommendations. 




(a)      approve the operating guidelines, terms of reference and revised governance for the Didcot Garden Town Advisory Board and sounding boards, as set out in appendix 2 to the head of partnership and insight’s report to Cabinet on 3 February 2020, with the following changes:

(i)            the parish council representative on the Didcot Garden Town Advisory Board be chosen from the five parish councils within the Didcot Garden Town boundary;

(ii)          recommend that the Didcot Garden Town Advisory Board considers adding a voting member to increase its environmental representation;


(b)      agree to name the nominated Didcot Garden Town Board as the ‘Didcot Garden Town Advisory Board’;


(c)       agree the Didcot Garden Town Delivery Plan project priorities, as listed in sections 22 to 25 of the report; and


(d)      authorise the relevant head of service to apply for future funding opportunities that directly align with the Didcot Garden Town Delivery Plan as appropriate. 


Vale of White Horse District Council