Issue - meetings

Technology strategy - to agree a technology strategy for the council

Meeting: 05/10/2018 - Cabinet (Item 75)

75 Technology strategy pdf icon PDF 245 KB

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Cabinet considered the head of corporate services’ report, which proposed the adoption of a joint technology strategy, with South Oxfordshire District Council. 


The Cabinet member responsible for IT welcomed the production of the technology strategy and believed that it would bring benefits for the council, its residents and businesses.  Scrutiny Committee had been supportive also. 


The report also recommended a virement of £38,000 of underspent contingency budget, totalling £76,000 across both councils, to allow for the provision of backfill and specialised resources to deliver the immediate priorities set out in the strategy. 


Cabinet supported the recommendations and thanked the officers for their work on the strategy. 




(a)      approve the joint technology strategy for Vale of White Horse District Council, endorsing the principles documented in the head of corporate services’ report to set the direction for any investment in and use of technology and supporting the proposed approach for delivery; and


(b)      approve a virement of £38,000 from the council’s contingency budget (totalling £76,000 across both councils) for the provision of backfill and specialised resources to aid delivery of the immediate priorities set out in the strategy, to be managed by the head of corporate services. 


Vale of White Horse District Council