Issue - meetings

Oxfordshire Joint Spatial Plan - to approve the Local Development Scheme, approve the draft Statement of Community Involvement for public consultation, and to recommend Council to approve the scoping document.

Meeting: 10/10/2018 - Council (Item 30)

30 Oxfordshire Joint Spatial Plan – Scoping Document pdf icon PDF 326 KB

At the Council meeting held on 14 February 2018, the Oxfordshire Housing and Growth Deal was discussed.  As part of the deal, Oxfordshire’s principal councils were required to adopt a Joint Statutory Spatial Plan, also known as the Oxfordshire Joint Spatial Plan.  Council agreed that:

“commencement of work to support and deliver the Joint Statutory Spatial Plan is subject to Cabinet being satisfied that the conditions set out at Appendix 4 of the report of the head of partnership and insight to Cabinet on 9 February 2018 have been met.”


Appendix 4 required the scope of the Joint Statutory Spatial Plan to be agreed by full Council. 


Joint Scrutiny Committee considered the draft scoping document on 20 September 2018. 


Cabinet considered the draft scoping document at its meeting on 28 September 2018 and made a series of suggested changes.  These are set out in the addendum attached to this agenda. Cabinet authorised the head of planning, in agreement with the other Oxfordshire councils’ equivalent, to make any necessary minor and presentational changes to the draft Joint Statutory Spatial Plan’s Scoping Document before publication.


A copy of the report considered by Cabinet is attached.


Recommendation: to approve the Oxfordshire Joint Spatial Plan’s scoping document (as set out in Appendix 3 to the head of planning’s report to Cabinet on 28 September 2018). 

Additional documents:


Council considered Cabinet’s recommendation, made at its meeting on 28 September 2018, to approve the Oxfordshire Joint Statutory Spatial Plan’s scoping document.Cabinet authorised the head of planning, in agreement with the other Oxfordshire councils’ equivalent, to make any necessary minor and presentational changes to the draft Joint Statutory Spatial Plan’s Scoping Document before publication.


In introducing this item Councillor Cox, Cabinet member for planning, advised that, under the terms of the Housing and Growth Deal, Council, at its meeting on 14 February 2018, agreed to adopt a Joint Statutory Spatial Plan, also known as the Oxfordshire Joint Spatial Plan, subject to some non-negotiable matters set out in appendix 4 of the Cabinet report.


The majority of councillors supported the scoping document recognising that officers will continue to seek a number of changes identified by Cabinet at its meeting on 28 September 2018.  The document will provide a framework for Oxfordshire under which the council can produce a local plan and make appropriate allocations for development. However, a number of councillors expressed concern that the scoping document did not address the issues of concern raised at the Council meeting in February 2018, particularly that the scoping document should not make housing allocations in the Vale. There is no guarantee that officers will gain agreement to the amendments proposed by Cabinet and as such the scoping document should not be signed off by Council.    


RESOLVED: to approve the Oxfordshire Joint Spatial Plan’s scoping document (as set out in Appendix 3 to the head of planning’s report to Cabinet on 28 September 2018). 


Meeting: 28/09/2018 - Cabinet (Item 69)

69 Oxfordshire Joint Spatial Plan pdf icon PDF 326 KB

To consider the head of planning’s report. 

Additional documents:


Cabinet considered the head of planning’s report on the Oxfordshire Joint Spatial Plan, also known as the Joint Statutory Spatial Plan.  The report sought approval of:

  • the Local Development Scheme, which set out the timetable for the plan’s production;
  • the draft Statement of Community Involvement for public consultation; and 
  • the Scoping Document, setting out the role of the spatial plan. 


The Cabinet member for planning outlined the role of the spatial plan and the documents under consideration.  The spatial plan would set out the strategic plan for Oxfordshire but would not set out the detail. 


In response to the draft documents under consideration, Cabinet noted that the head of planning would meet his counterparts at the other Oxfordshire principal councils to suggest some points of clarification to improve the documents; these are set out in the addendum to these minutes.  In particular, he suggested that the wording of the scoping document in the first sentence of paragraph 3.10 should be amended to read: ‘Whilst the Joint Statutory Spatial Plan will determine the spatial strategy and strategic growth areas, it will not allocate sites except at the request of the relevant local planning authority’.  Cabinet concurred with this suggestion, considering it essential. 




(a)      approve the Local Development Scheme for the Joint Statutory Spatial Plan (as set out in Appendix 1 to the head of planning’s report to Cabinet on 28 September 2018); 


(b)     approve the draft Statement of Community Involvement 2018 (as set out in Appendix 2 to the head of planning’s report to Cabinet on 28 September 2018) for the Joint Statutory Spatial Plan for a six-week period of formal public consultation; and


(c)     authorise the head of planning, in agreement with the other Oxfordshire councils’ equivalent, to make any necessary minor and presentational changes to the draft Local Development Scheme 2018 and draft Joint Statutory Spatial Plan’s Scoping Document before publication, and the draft Statement of Community Involvement 2018 before formal consultation commences.




(d)     to approve the Joint Statutory Spatial Plan’s Scoping Document (as set out in Appendix 3 to the head of planning’s report to Cabinet on 28 September 2018). 


Vale of White Horse District Council