Issue - meetings

Waste Strategy: Shortlisting of Disposal and Collection Options

Meeting: 03/03/2006 - Executive (Item 234)

Waste Strategy: Shortlisting of Disposal and Collection Options

To receive an update at the meeting.    


(Time: 3.05pm to 3.20pm)


The Executive received an update on the shortlisting of disposal and collection options under the Waste Strategy.  Consultants ERM and Enviros Limited had been working for the Oxfordshire Waste Partnership to review the current waste management strategy and developing a new strategy for Oxfordshire.  The consultants had been asked to prepare a series of options for waste minimisation, collection and disposal post 2009/10.  Business cases had to be developed also. 


The consultants' report had been expected in good time for this meeting but had been delayed again and was at least two weeks away.  The intention was for the consultants to make a presentation to all Members of this Council to highlight the impact the options would have. 


It was suggested that this Council should have an input into the County Council Cabinet's decision on waste disposal to achieve the best environmental option at the best value. 


Disappointment was expressed at the further delay in the consultants' report, seeking the perfect solution for the county.  It was already too late to have a disposal solution in place to avoid punitive charges.  The Partnership should be advised that Members expected to have the consultants' report with options and a clear definitive recommendation by the end of March 2006.  This matter was made more urgent by the need to plan for the renewal of the Council's waste collection and recycling contract.  Penalties for procrastination were likely to result in savage service cuts. 




that authority be delegated to the Chief Executive to write to the Oxfordshire Waste Partnership and its constituent Councils expressing disappointment at the further delay in the receipt of the consultants' report and adding an expectation to receive it, with options and a clear definitive recommendation, by the end of March 2006.