Issue - meetings

Local Plan Part 2 - to recommend Council to approve Part 2 for submission to the Secretary of State for adoption

Meeting: 27/09/2017 - Council (Item 22)

22 Publication Version - Local Plan 2031 Part 2: Detailed Policies and Additional Sites pdf icon PDF 413 KB

Cabinet, at its meeting on 22 September 2017, will consider the report of the head of planning on the Local Plan to 2031.


The report of the head of planning, which Cabinet will consider, is attached. 


The Scrutiny Committee will discuss the Local Plan at its meeting on 20 September 2017. Any views or recommendations will be reported to Cabinet.


All district councillors have been sent a copy of the Local Plan document separately.  PLEASE BRING THIS WITH YOU TO THE MEETING. 


The Local Plan document can also be found on the council’s website:


Cabinet’s recommendations will be circulated to councillors on Friday 22 September.

Additional documents:


Council considered Cabinet’s recommendations, made at its meeting on 22 September 2017, on the publication version of Local Plan 2031 Part 2. An addendum was circulated prior to the meeting, and is available as an addendum to the Council agenda, setting out a number of amendments to the proposed Publication Version of the Local Plan 2031 Part 2. 


A copy of the Leader of the council’s statement on the Department for Communities and Local Government consultation document “Planning for the right homes in the right places” was before all councillors at the meeting and is available as an addendum to the Council agenda. The Chairman advised that in view of the importance of the matter and the unusual circumstances surrounding the statement, both Councillor Barber, as Leader of the council, and Councillor Hallett, as Leader of the Opposition, would have the opportunity to address council on the statement in addition to the usual speaking rules.


Councillor Cox, Cabinet member for planning, reported that the Part 1 Plan was adopted by Council in December 2016 and identified site allocations and policies to meet the objectively assessed development and infrastructure requirements for the Vale of White Horse. The Part 1 Plan includes a policy commitment that confirms how the council will address Oxford’s unmet housing need through the preparation of the Local Plan 2031 Part 2.  In accordance with Regulation 18, public consultation on the preferred options version of the Part 2 Plan, was undertaken in the spring 2017. The council had assessed the responses and carried out all technical studies to produce the latest version of the local plan which would, assuming Council’s approval, be subject to the Regulation 19 consultation to test its soundness, before the plan was submitted to the Secretary of State by February 2018.   


Councillors discussed the recent government proposals for consultation that recalculated the housing requirement using a nationwide formula.  This suggested similar housing numbers required for the Vale but presented the opportunity to reduce Oxford’s unmet housing need. 


Councillor Hallett moved and Councillor Smith seconded an amendment to refer the issue back to Cabinet as follows:

“Council is committed to making sound and justified policy decisions for the people who live and work in the Vale, and part of that commitment is to create the best Local Plan 2031 that we can. Therefore, Council refers this item back to Cabinet for reconsideration in light of the Government's proposed changes to housing need figures and urges Cabinet to engage with members about what this change in the assessment methodology will mean to our housing numbers in different wards, both in terms of our own housing need, but also the unmet Oxford need”.  

Those councillors supporting the amendment expressed the view that the council should reassess the housing figures in light of the consultation to ensure the Local Plan 2 accurately reflected the council’s current housing need and Oxford City’s unmet need. By doing so the council could protect local communities from unnecessary development and the associated  ...  view the full minutes text for item 22

Meeting: 22/09/2017 - Cabinet (Item 28)

28 Local Plan 2031 Part 2 pdf icon PDF 413 KB

To consider the head of planning’s report. 


All district councillors have been sent a copy of the Local Plan document separately.  PLEASE BRING THIS WITH YOU TO THE MEETING. 


The Local Plan document can also be found on the council’s website:


The Scrutiny Committee meets to discuss the Local Plan on Wednesday 20 September 2017.  The committee’s comments will be made available at the Cabinet meeting. 

Additional documents:


Cabinet considered the head of planning’s report on the publication version of Local Plan 2031 Part 2.  The report asked Cabinet to recommend Council to approve the publication version for a six-week publicity period under Regulations 19 and 22 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012. 


The Cabinet member for planning reported that this stage of the local plan process looked at the policies surrounding new housing and its location, including the need to address Oxford’s unmet housing need.  The plan included detailed management policies, including those for Didcot Garden Town, together with saved policies from the Local Plan 2011.  Following the Regulation 18 consultation in the spring 2017, the council had assessed the responses and carried out all technical studies to produce this latest version of the local plan.  Following Council’s approval, the plan would be subject to the Regulation 19 consultation to test its soundness, before the plan was submitted to the Secretary of State by February 2018.  The Cabinet member commended the plan to Cabinet. 


Cabinet discussed the recent government proposals for consultation that recalculated the housing requirement using a nationwide formula.  This suggested similar housing numbers required for the Vale but presented the opportunity to reduce Oxford’s unmet housing need.  However, Cabinet concluded that as these were consultation proposals at this stage, and the final proposals would not be available until 2018, the council should proceed with its local plan.  Any delay in the adoption of Local Plan Part 2 would put at risk both Local Plan Part 1 and the council’s housing land supply.  If the government’s final proposals reduced the Vale’s housing requirement the local plan housing numbers could be reviewed at the examination stage in 2018.  If the government’s final proposals suggested that major changes were required, then such changes would be reconsidered by Cabinet before further recommendations were made to Council. 


Cabinet considered that the Oxfordshire Growth Board should be asked to start preparatory work on studies for economic growth that would be required should government housing policy be amended in light of the current consultation.  The Growth Board should also be asked to review Oxford’s unmet housing need at the earliest opportunity. 


Cabinet thanked the officers for their work in producing the local plan. 


RECOMMENDEDto Council on 27 September 2017 to:


(a)      agree the changes to the Local Plan (following recommendations made by Scrutiny Committee) to be set out in the addendum to Council on 27 September 2017, that seek to:

(i)         clarify spatial standards in chapter 3,

(ii)       ensure that the core policies are correctly numbered,

(iii)      ensure that sufficient land is safeguarded to enable a viable public transport and cycle link between the Dalton Barracks site and the proposed park at Lodge Hill,

(iv)      ensure that all registered parks and gardens, in particular the Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee site, are included in appendix I,

(v)       ensure that appendices N and O are complete,

(vi)      review the public transport site report to ensure consistency with the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 28


Vale of White Horse District Council