Issue - meetings

Milton Conservation Area appraisal

Meeting: 02/12/2016 - Cabinet (Item 74)

74 Milton Conservation Area appraisal pdf icon PDF 150 KB

To consider the head of planning’s report. 

Additional documents:


Cabinet considered the head of planning’s report on the Milton Conservation Area appraisal and proposed amendments to the boundary.  The report set out the consultation results and the changes that had been made as a result. 


The report set out three options:

1.         To find that the proposed extended area identified in the appraisal was of special architectural or historic interest and the character or appearance of which was desirable to preserve or enhance, the council should designate the whole area as a conservation area.

2.         To find that the proposed extended area identified in the appraisal was not of special architectural or historic interest and the character or appearance of which was not desirable to preserve or enhance, then the council should not designate the proposed extension as a conservation area. 

3.         To find that there was an area of special architectural or historic interest and the character or appearance of which was desirable to preserve or enhance, but that the boundary should be different to that proposed and having identified and justified the difference, then to designate that area as a conservation area. 


Cabinet agreed with option 1, to adopt the Conservation Area appraisal to extend and amend the area boundary, and noted that the appraisal document would form part of the evidence base for the development plan and would become a material planning consideration when determining planning applications. 




(a)       adopt the Milton Conservation Area appraisal, as set out in Appendix 3 of the report of the head of planning to Cabinet on 2 December 2016, as part of the Development Plan evidence base and to agree that it is a material planning consideration; 


(b)       extend and amend the boundary to the Milton Conservation Area as set out in Appendix 2 of the report of the head of planning to Cabinet on 2 December 2016; and 


(c)       authorise the head of planning in consultation with the Cabinet member for planning to make minor changes, typographical corrections or non-material amendments to the Milton Conservation Area appraisal and associated documents prior to formal publication and to undertake necessary statutory actions to implement agreed recommendations. 


Vale of White Horse District Council