Issue - meetings

Vale of White Horse Local Plan to 2011

Meeting: 20/03/2006 - Executive (Item 249)

249 Vale of White Horse Local Plan to 2011 pdf icon PDF 29 KB

These reports will be considered by this meeting as well as the Development Control Committee (prior to this meeting) and the Council (22 March).  The reports have been sent to every Member of the Council as part of the Development Control Committee agenda for the meeting on 20 March 2006 and will only be printed once to save paper.  THEREFORE, MEMBERS ARE ASKED TO BRING THEIR COPY OF THE DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE AGENDA (20 MARCH MEETING) WITH THEM TO THIS MEETING. 


 (a)       Local Plan Policies


To receive and consider report 253/05 of the Strategic and Local Planning Advisory Group and the recommendations of the Development Control Committee on potential changes to the Local Plan, and to recommend these changes to the Council. 


(b)        Local Plan Supplementary Planning Guidance


To receive and consider report 254/05 of the Strategic and Local Planning Advisory Group and the recommendations of the Development Control Committee on potential changes to the Local Plan Supplementary Planning Guidance, and to recommend these changes to the Council.



Additional documents:


(Time: 8.55pm to 8.57pm)


(Councillor Mary de Vere declared a personal interest in this item and in accordance with Standing Order 34, she remained in the meeting during its consideration.)


(a)        Local Plan Policies


The Executive received and considered report 253/05 of the Strategic and Local Planning Advisory Group together with the recommendations of the Development Control Committee.  Report 253/05 was submitted to the Advisory Group, the Development Control Committee, the Executive and the Council.  To save paper, it was printed just once and attached to the Development Control Committee's agenda (meeting dated 20 March 2006).  The report set out recommendations from the Advisory Group on the Local Plan Inquiry Inspector's recommended changes to the Local Plan.  These were set out in a series of schedules, including the Inspector's views and the Advisory Group's views also.  The Development Control Committee had considered these recommendations prior to the Executive's meeting.  The Development Control Committee largely agreed with the views of the Advisory Group and added some changes of its own.  These were agreed by the Executive for recommendation on to the Council at its meeting on 22 March 2006. 


Further to the report, the Strategic and Local Planning Authority Group met on 15 March 2006 and recommended that the Inspector’s policy for the former Dow site at Letcombe Regis should be accepted for the reasons set out in paragraphs 8.20.33 – 8.20.50 of his report.  An amended schedule was circulated prior to the meeting.  The Development Control Committee accepted the Advisory Group's recommendation and the Executive agreed also.   


R E C O M M E N D E D       (by five votes to nil with one abstention)


(a)               That, subject to the further amendments set out below, the schedules in Appendix 2 to report 253/05 be published as the Council’s statement of decisions on the Inspectors' reports and recommendations on the joint Didcot Local Plan Inquiry and the Vale of White Horse Local Plan Inquiry:

(i)         amend paragraph 2.11 of the Local Plan to reflect the Council's vision agreed in November 2005;

(ii)        the Inspector's recommended paragraph 5.23 which refers to the Wantage Relief Road is ambiguous and should be changed in the proposed modifications to read "It has been a long held objective of the District Council and Wantage Town Council that Wantage should have a relief road for the traffic which causes problems throughout the town, particularly in the historic town centre." (page 19 of the Development Control Committee's agenda)

(iii)       amend the reference to the Great Western Park development at Didcot, to state that any increase in the number of dwellings built on the site will count towards the Vale's housing requirements (page 30 of the Development Control Committee's agenda)

(iv)       the proposed modification PM8.40, for the development west of Didcot, should read as set out in Appendix A to these minutes;

(v)        in the context of the Inspector's report and the letter from OxfordshireCounty Council as highway authority (dated 10  ...  view the full minutes text for item 249