Issue - meetings

Office accommodation - to agree the refurbishment recharges and recommend Council to establish a budget

Meeting: 07/02/2014 - Cabinet (Item 43)

43 Office accommodation pdf icon PDF 85 KB

To consider the strategic director’s report.  


Cabinet considered the strategic director’s report on office accommodation and noted the exempt appendix.  The report explained the outcome of recent negotiations with Oxfordshire County Council and South Oxfordshire District Council to make better use of the councils’ office buildings. 


The Cabinet member for property reported that the agreement with the county council would bring both county and district services together for Vale residents in one building.  This was a unique arrangement within Oxfordshire.  In addition, the long-term financial savings were significant and in turn, these would benefit all Vale council taxpayers.  The Cabinet member had met with the deputy leader of the county council who had been impressed with the standard of the accommodation to be occupied by the county council’s staff.  He had been impressed with the standard of the building and its location, and welcomed the shared arrangements.  In addition, the Citizens Advice Bureau had confirmed its intention to relocate to The Abbey House in June. 


Some Vale staff had already moved to South Oxfordshire’s offices at Crowmarsh Gifford to enable the county council’s contractors to commence the required accommodation changes.  The remainder of Vale staff who would be permanently located at Crowmarsh would follow shortly. 


Cabinet approved the South-Vale recharge methodology and amount, and recommended approval of the refurbishment virement to the Council.  Cabinet also authorised the variation of the section 113 shared services agreement to reflect these changes. 




(a)               approve a variation to its section 113 shared services agreement with South Oxfordshire District Council, whereby the majority of shared council staff will be based at South Oxfordshire’s Crowmarsh Gifford offices and Vale of White Horse District Council will pay £175,743 service charges annually to South Oxfordshire for five years until the arrangement is reviewed;


(b)               authorise the strategic director and the head of legal and democratic services to complete the variation of the section 113 shared services agreement to reflect these changes;


RECOMMENDED: to Council to


(c)        approve a revenue virement for £170,000 from identified underspending budgets this year to cover the refurbishment cost of Abbey House. 


Vale of White Horse District Council