Issue - meetings

Reuest for a Recurring Supplementary Estimate - U13 in OX14 Partnership Grant

Meeting: 07/10/2005 - Executive (Item 101)

Request for a Recurring Supplementary Estimate - U13 in OX14 Partnership Grant

'U13 in OX14' is a scheme which helps young people in one of the Vale's most deprived wards to overcome anti-social behaviour and criminal activity.  The project focuses on reducing offending behaviour by breaking the negative peer influence coming from older groups of young people in the area.  Twelve youngsters successfully completed the mentoring course last year, helping them integrate into the community; and a further five are currently being mentored.


The scheme relies on volunteers and grant aid.  The Council has previously made a partnership grant commitment to support the scheme with £8k annual funding.  (Although, like all partnership grants this is being re-assessed as part of the Service Prioritisation Plan to reduce grant costs).


Due to an oversight, no budget has been approved for this grant from 2005/06 onwards.  This is contrary to the Council's service level agreement.




that the Executive approves an £8k recurring supplementary estimate to be met from Contingency from 2005/06 onwards for this partnership grant.



(Time: 4.17pm to 4.19pm)


'U13 in OX14' was a scheme which helped young people in one of the Vale's most deprived wards to overcome anti-social behaviour and criminal activity.  The project focused on reducing offending behaviour by breaking the negative peer influence coming from older groups of young people in the area.  Twelve youngsters successfully completed the mentoring course last year, helping them integrate into the community and a further five were being mentored. 


The scheme relied on volunteers and grant aid.  The Council had previously made a partnership grant commitment to support the scheme with £8,000 annual funding.  Like all partnership grants, this was being re-assessed as part of the Service Prioritisation Plan. 


Due to an oversight, no budget had been approved for this grant from 2005/06 onwards.  This was contrary to the Council's service level agreement.  The Executive was requested to approve a supplementary estimate.  




that authority be delegated to the Section 151 Officer in consultation with the portfolio holder for Community Development, Councillor Joyce Hutchinson, to approve up to as a £8,000 recurring supplementary estimate to be met from Contingency from 2005/06 onwards for this partnership grant.