Issue - meetings

Leisure facilities strategy - to adopt the strategy

Meeting: 07/06/2013 - Cabinet (Item 6)

6 Leisure and sports facilities study 2013-2029 pdf icon PDF 99 KB

To consider the report of the head of economy, leisure, and property. 

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Cabinet considered the report of the head of economy, leisure, and property.  This sought Cabinet’s approval to adopt the leisure and sports facilities study to provide the council with a list of leisure and sports facility priorities for which the council could seek contributions from housing developers.  In drafting the study report, the officers had taken into account feedback from a public consultation and from the Scrutiny Committee.  The Cabinet member for leisure, Councillor Elaine Ware, reported that a Scrutiny Committee member had submitted further comments, to which she would to respond. 


Cabinet welcomed the study and noted that there would be a further piece of work to assess leisure needs in rural areas, looking at how to meet these needs through facilities not within the council’s ownership.  The review of playing pitch provision would also feed into this study.  Cabinet also welcomed Scrutiny Committee’s comments and requested the officers to develop a strategy and report on the need for additional resources needed. 




(a)               adopt the leisure and sports facilities study 2013-2029 (formerly referred to as the leisure facilities strategy) subject to amendments outlined in paragraph 14 of the officer’s report; and


(b)               authorise the head of economy, leisure and property, in consultation with the Cabinet member for leisure, to make any minor amendments to the study prior to its publication; and


(c)               request the officers to scope out a leisure and sports facilities strategy and report to Cabinet on the scope and any need for resources to complete this work. 


Vale of White Horse District Council