Issue - meetings

Customer service

Meeting: 22/12/2011 - Scrutiny Committee (Item 65)

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To consider report 54/11 of the head of corporate strategy. 


The committee considered report 54/11 of the head of corporate strategy, which set out details of customer service performance in 2010/11.  The report looked at performance against the corporate customer contact standards and identified areas for improvement. 


The chair invited Councillor Dudley Hoddinott to ask his question.  Councillor Hoddinott asked how valid were the results, how did they compare to other councils, was there an action plan to improve customer service, and would there be a service manager with responsibility to make improvements.  In response, the officer reported that the survey results were valid and had been tested.  The committee noted that the council’s citizens’ panel had been asked for its views on customer service performance.  This was the first report of its kind and it was difficult to compare outcomes against previous years or with other authorities.  The action plan was included in the report.  Its actions would be monitored by service managers. 


The committee questioned the level of response from the citizen’s panel and encouraged a greater return next year. 


Councillors noted that progress had already been made in implementing the actions; in the customer service centre, performance monitoring and staff training had been introduced and customer service training was to be rolled out across the council.  Staff had been given training on the best use of email and the staff who’s who was now being regularly updated.  There was also some monitoring of telephone calls.  Despite this progress, the committee noted that the council was working towards accreditation and would need around six months to implement all actions.  It was noted that officers were working to introduce common standards with South Oxfordshire District Council. 


The committee welcomed the report but concluded that another year’s survey was needed to determine trends in customer service performance.  The next survey results might be available in autumn 2012.  Cabinet members would also monitor this. 


RESOLVED: To note performance on customer service in 2010/11, including performance against corporate customer contact standards, and the areas for improvement identified for further work. 


Vale of White Horse District Council