Issue - meetings

Out-of-Hours Scheme for Building Control

Meeting: 07/10/2005 - Executive (Item 98)

98 Scheme or Out-of-Hours Working for Incidents of Dangerous Structures and Emergencies pdf icon PDF 85 KB

To receive and consider report 125/05 of the Assistant Director (Building Control). 


(Time: 4.06pm to 4.12pm)


The Executive received and considered report 125/05 of the Strategic Director which set out proposals for the introduction of a scheme of out-of-hours working arrangements relating to incidents of dangerous structures and emergencies.  Under the Building Act 1984, the Council had a responsibility to deal with incidents of dangerous structures where through serious damage or deterioration a building posed a threat to health and safety.  The Building Control service area undertook this function.  When the Council was alerted to a dangerous structure out of normal working hours, the attendance of an officer had relied on their goodwill and professional attitude.  The report suggested a formally recognised system of out-of-hours working to bring the authority into line with other Councils.  The estimated cost of the scheme was £5,000 but would depend on the number of call out incidents.  It was noted that this cost was around the median when compared to other local authorities.  


The Personnel, Regulatory and Appeals Committee had considered the report and had approved the scheme as set out in the appendix to the report.  The Executive was asked to agree an annual supplementary estimate of £5,000 pro rata for the remainder of 2005-06 and to consider future year financial consequences as part of the budget setting process. 




that a supplementary estimate of £5,000 pro rata be agreed for the remainder of 2005/06 for the provision of an out-of-hours scheme for incidents of dangerous structures and emergencies and that this scheme be considered as part of the budget setting process for future years.