Issue - meetings

Leisure contract monitoring - DC Leisure

Meeting: 24/08/2011 - Scrutiny Committee (Item 30)

30 Leisure contract monitoring - DC Leisure pdf icon PDF 111 KB

To consider report 16/11 of the head of economy, leisure, and property. 


The committee received and considered report 16/11 of the head of economy, leisure and property.


The committee was advised that the contract had not been set up with key performance indicators at its conception.


When asked whether there was any reason for the step down in usage figures, Chris Webb, (officer) reported that it was difficult to capture user data at the centre, given its open plan layout.  He advised that there was no controlled access and that many customers using, for example, the café or spectating were not being included in the data.  He added that spectator data would not be reflected in revenue.


It was reported that the centre performed as expected in respect of energy costs and usage, when considering its size and age.


One member asked why according to paragraph 16 of the report, there was no requirement for the contractor to improve performance.  It was advised that this had not been written into the contract.  Members commented that this was surprising and they would have expected a view to have been taken on performance by the officers. Chris Webb advised that he was content with the visitor numbers and that the centre performed well.


With respect to the customer survey, members commented that the numbers returned were so low that it would not give a true reflection of the customer experience.  It was suggested that the contractor should offer incentives to customers to complete the survey.


One member asked for clarification on the issue of corporate identity. Officers advised that it was important that the centre be recognised as a council facility, given the strong Active Nation brand.


Members considered the trend monitoring data in open session, having been agreed by the head of economy, leisure and property.


One member questioned why there had been a drop in the standards of cleanliness. It was advised that following the contract for cleaning being contracted out the standards had fallen. It was reported that standards had improved since cleaning had returned in house. Mr Webb confirmed that the result of ad hoc visits to the site suggested that standards had improved.


One member questioned how the problems with telephone systems were being addressed. It was reported that from October the centre would be offering online booking and in addition the contractors would be looking at different options for the phone system.


Mr Rolls, from Active Nation, commented that he was disappointed with the scores, however it was an improving picture. He advised that the centre was recruiting more experienced staff and that the turnaround of staff needed to be reduced.


One member suggested that communication between the Vale and the centre should be improved, the Vale officers should be more proactive.


One member commented that the performance management of contracts should be more like the private sector model. He did not consider the current method adequate and suggested that the cabinet should be tasked with looking at how  ...  view the full minutes text for item 30


Vale of White Horse District Council