Issue - meetings

Capital carry forwards

Meeting: 02/07/2010 - Executive (Item 22)

22 Provisional capital programme out-turn 2009/10 and capital budget carry forward requests pdf icon PDF 90 KB

To receive and consider report 22/10 of the Head of Finance. 

Additional documents:


Councillors Angela Lawrence and Jenny Hannaby declared personal interests in this item.  Complying with the council’s standing order 34, they stayed in the meeting for this item. 


The Executive considered report 22/10 of the Head of Finance.  This set out the end of year position with the capital programme.  The report also set out requests to carry forward capital funding to 2010/11, to complete unfinished projects.  These requests totalled £308,891, of which £44,790 were external funds. 


Councillors noted that by agreeing the requests, they would not be spending outside the council’s budget, but would be reallocating previously approved budget.  They had the option to approve all, some or none of the requests.  However, councillors recognised that refusing requests would mean leaving projects unfinished and the council might be legally required to make contractual payments anyway.  The Executive approved the carry forward requests. 




(a)       To note the spending on capital projects in 2009/10; and


(b)       To agree the revised spending profiles for capital projects and to agree the carry forward requests to 2010/11. 


Vale of White Horse District Council