Issue - meetings

Corporate Governance Report - Second Quarter 2005/06

Meeting: 02/12/2005 - Executive (Item 156)

156 Corporate Governance Report - Second Quarter 2005/06 pdf icon PDF 377 KB

To receive and consider report 189/05 of the Directors' Group. 

Additional documents:


(Time: 3.05pm to 3.10pm)


The Executive received and considered report 189/05 of the Directors which looked at corporate governance for the second quarter of 2005/06, in particular, the key areas of:

·         Key issues

·         CPA Improvement Action Plan monitoring

- Corporate

            - Housing

            - Open Spaces

            - Implementing Electronic Government (IEG)

·         Best Value Performance Indicators

·         Local Performance Indicators linked to priorities for improvement

·         Financial Information

·         Key staffing data


Members noted that a small number of schemes had slipped significantly, essentially due to external pressures such as Local Area Agreements and the Children and Young People’s Plan.  These key issues were being dealt with via the Service Review meetings and where necessary would be re-prioritised through the service and budget planning process.  Members noted that the Comprehensive Performance Assessment Improvement Action Plans had been reviewed and updated.  It was noted that in the Open Spaces Action Plan, the needs analysis and development of a youth strategy was now the responsibility of the Monitoring Officer and Solicitor. 


Members also noted there had been improvement in Best Value Performance Indicator results.  New Local Performance Indicators to support the Affordable Housing and Access to Services corporate aims had been identified and performance data collection had commenced.  Work continued on identifying and refining those in respect of a cleaner, greener, safer and healthier community and environment.  It was hoped to be able to commence reporting all of these next quarter.  However, the performance in respect of major and minor planning applications was noted.  It was reported that improvements had been made to performance over the most recent months, whilst attempting to maintain a quality of decision-making. 


Compared to last quarter, sickness absence had reduced by 38%.  Staff turnover had risen this quarter, with an average of just over four leaving per month compared to just under two in the last quarter.  A major risk management review had been carried out in June and no significant changes were made. 




(a)               that the report be noted;


(b)               that the Benefits staff be congratulated for the outstanding performance in respect of accuracy of benefit calculation;


(c)               that the continued poor performance in respect of major planning applications be noted, as compared with the Best Value Performance Indicators:

·         That the Council is being consulted about being placed on “special measures” due to performance in respect of major and minor applications during the 12 months ending 30 June 2005

·         The steps taken and planned to improve performance