Issue - meetings

Abingdon Open Air Pool

Meeting: 02/09/2005 - Executive (Item 77)

Abbey Meadows Pool

To receive and consider report 76/05 of the Strategic Director (TO FOLLOW). 


(Time:  3.17pm to 3.30pm)


The Executive received and considered report 76/05 of the Strategic Director which set out the latest position in respect of the Abbey Meadow Open Air Swimming Pool.  The report detailed the position of Abingdon Town Council and how an indicative management fee might impact on the decision to consider the re-opening of the pool in 2006.


The Executive welcomed the offer by Abingdon Town Council to increase its contribution towards the operation of the open air pool and requested the Vale officers to conduct a tendering exercise, obtain a more detailed assessment of commissioning costs, undertake a condition survey of the pool and agree satisfactory heads of terms with the Town Council as a matter of urgency.  In response, the Leisure Facilities Manager advised that the Officers should be in a position to report back to the November 2005 meeting of the Executive.


In respect of the Business Plan submitted by the Save the Open Air Pool (STOP) campaign group, the Chair of the Executive confirmed that a plan had been received within the deadline set of 31 July 2005 but it contained a number of weaknesses which rendered it incapable of implementation.


In response to a question, the Leisure Facilities Manager explained the difference between a condition and a structural survey and confirmed that the survey undertaken would include an assessment of the plant and machinery at the pool.


The Chief Executive reminded Members that any decision to re-open the Abbey Meadow Open Air Pool in 2006 would need to be a decision of the Council and that any agreement entered into with Abingdon Town Council concerning its financial contribution towards the running of the facility would need to be a five year agreement which clearly stated each Council’s responsibilities in this matter.




to accept, in principle, the Abingdon Town Council offer of an increased contribution towards the operation of the Abbey Meadow Pool, as detailed in report 76/05, subject to conducting a tendering exercise, obtaining a more detailed assessment of commissioning costs, carrying out a condition survey of the pool and agreeing satisfactory heads of terms with Abingdon Town Council before committing to re-opening Abbey Meadow Pool.