Issue - meetings

Revenue Budget Carry Forwards Requests

Meeting: 03/04/2009 - Executive (Item 127)

127 Revenue Budget Carry Forwards Requests 2008/09 pdf icon PDF 42 KB

To receive and consider report 182 /08 of the Joint Head of Finance.




(Time 3.20pm to 3.24pm)


The Executive received and considered report 182/08 of the Head of Finance which detailed a list of budget figures requested to be carried forward from the 2008/09 revenue budget into 2009/10.  The projected outturn position for the 2008/09 budget was an overspend.  Consequently the carry forward requests related only to unspent grant allocations and delayed projects. 


Further to the report it was noted that another request had been received to carry forward unspent funds to be used for grants to community flood prevention groups.  This request was in the sum of £110,900. 


The Executive agreed that all of these unspent budgets should be carried forward to 2009/10 as not doing so would jeopardise these schemes.  Members considered that it was important that these schemes should continue, in particular grants to flood groups. 




that the revenue budget carry forward requests, totalling £173,145, be approved to be carried forward from 2008/09 to 2009/10.