Issue - meetings

Common E-mail System - approve new system

Meeting: 03/04/2009 - Executive (Item 125)

125 Options for a Shared Calendar and E-mail System pdf icon PDF 52 KB

To receive and consider report 184/08 of the Head of HR, IT & Customer Services. 




(Time 3.05pm to 3.10pm)


The Executive received and considered report 184/08 of the Head of HR, IT & Customer Services which reviewed the Council’s e-mail and calendar system.  This Council and South Oxfordshire District Council were operating different and incompatible systems.  The consequence was a great deal of duplication and wasted effort.  The report examined the options for moving to a shared system that would promote more efficient joint working.  It proposed that the costs should be shared equally by the two councils.  A consultant company had been appointed to review needs at both councils and to recommend the best option.  The two possible options were:

-        Microsoft Exchange

-        Novell GroupWise


The consultant had recommended that Novell’s GroupWise was the best product for a short and medium term solution as its cost was significantly less than the Microsoft alternative.  GroupWise would also have a shorter implementation time.  The consultant’s recommendation had received support from the Joint Senior Management Board at its meeting of 11 March. 


Members considered that the Novell software option was the best short and medium term solution but asked that the officers consider options for the longer term.  Members also asked that the Executive Members were given access to the new system from home and that consideration was given to interfaces with hand held computer diaries. 




(a)              that  the adoption of Novell GroupWise as the Council’s e-mail and calendar system be approved;


(b)              that, in accordance with Contract Standing Order 2C(3), an exemption to the requirement to obtain competitive quotations or tenders be approved;


(c)               that authority be delegated to the Head of HR, IT and Customer Services, in consultation with the Head of Legal and Democratic Services, to enter into a contract with Novell for the purchase of GroupWise until 31 March 2011 under Contract Standing Order 2C(3), taking advantage of the favourable terms made available by joining South Oxfordshire District Council’s existing contract; and


(d)              that officers propose options for the optimum long term solution in time for April 2011.