Issue - meetings

Abingdon Open Air Pool - STOP Business Plan

Meeting: 05/08/2005 - Executive (Item 63)

Abingdon Open Air Pool - STOP Business Plan

A letter has been received form the STOP campaign, complete with a business plan for the Open Air Pool in Abingdon.  A copy of the letter and plan has been sent to every Member of the Council.  The business plan can be found on the following website:


The Executive is asked to consider the STOP's business plan.




that the Executive determines its response to the business plan.  


(Time: 3.19pm to 3.29pm)


A letter had been received form the STOP (Save the Outdoor Pool) campaign, complete with a business plan for the Open Air Pool in Abingdon.  A copy of the letter and plan had been sent to every Member of the Council.  The Executive was asked to consider the STOP's business plan. 


The Chief Executive tabled a briefing note, which reported that Abingdon Town Council had written to confirm that it was not willing to become legally responsible for the operation of the pool but was willing to increase its financial contribution.  This gave the Executive two options if it was minded to re-open the pool:

  • To negotiate on the basis of the STOP business plan
  • To negotiate a formal agreement with the Town Council


After a brief adjournment, it was reported that a Town Councillor had queried the accuracy of the Town Council's letter in properly reflecting that Council's decision.  The Executive was advised that it must act on the basis that the letter accurately reflected the Town Council's decision, but bear in mind the concern raised. 


The Chair proposed that the Executive agreed in principle to consider re-opening the pool next season, subject to the Town Council entering into a formal funding agreement for at least five years which maintained its increased financial contribution in real terms, and subject to a satisfactory and affordable offer from an operator to run the pool for a 100 day season.  The Executive would consider responses at its next meeting. 


Members supported the proposal on the proviso that any agreement must not cost Vale Council Tax payers any more money.  It was imperative that the budget saving was still met and the Council's medium term financial plan was unaffected by any agreement. 


RESOLVED    (by five votes to nil)


(a)        that consideration of re-opening the Abingdon Open Air Pool next season be agreed in principle, subject to:


(i)         Abingdon Town Council entering into a formal agreement for at least five years which maintains its increased financial contribution in real terms;

(ii)        a satisfactory and affordable offer from an operator to run the pool for a 100 day season;


(b)        that the response from Abingdon Town Council be considered at the next meeting of the Executive on 2 September 2005.