Issue - meetings

Leisure Contracts Annual Reporting

Meeting: 17/10/2008 - Executive (Item 78)

78 Leisure Contracts Annual Reporting pdf icon PDF 26 KB

To receive and consider report 101/08 of the Strategic Director. 


Introduction and Report Summary


This report provides background information to elected members on the two Annual Reports attached relating to the two leisure contracts currently operating within the Vale.


There are different elements found within each report due to the differing make up of the two contracts under which the services are provided. Members are asked to take this into consideration when evaluating the two reports.


The Contact Officer for this report is Chris Webb Leisure Facilities Manager (, 01235 540358.




The Executive are recommended to agree to these reports are for information only and there are no recommendations. 

Additional documents:


(Time: 3.49pm to 4.08pm)


The Executive received and considered report 101/08 of the Strategic Director that provided background information on two annual reports from the leisure contractors currently operating the Vale’s leisure facilities.  Annual reporting by the contractors had been introduced by the Deputy Director (Contracts and Procurement) as part of performance monitoring.  Regular meetings were also held with the contractors’ management.  The annual reports had been presented to the Executive Portfolio Holder who considered that these should receive a wider audience at the Executive meeting.  A Member tour of the council’s leisure centres had also been arranged to increase Members’ awareness of the facilities available. 


Members welcomed the reports but asked for further details on pricing structure in comparison to other centres.  However, it was noted that this information was considered each year with the Portfolio Holder and a proposal was made for fee changes as part budget-setting process. 


Members asked if the officers could work with the contractors to reduce the CO2 emissions from the leisure centres.  It was reported that both contractors were keen to reduce their energy costs and carbon footprint with the council’s help.  However, it was noted that this was likely to result in financial discussions with the contractors as there was no flexibility within the contracts from the council’s perspective, as they had been written to minimise the council’s financial impact. 


Members noted that there was a discrepancy in the way the council’s major contracts were monitored.  The Scrutiny Committee had chosen to annually monitor the waste contract, yet this was also monitored by the Executive Portfolio Holder.  In the case of the two leisure contracts, the Portfolio Holder had escalated the two annual reports to the Executive for information.  The Scrutiny Committee might consider these at its next meeting when reviewing the Executive’s activity.  It was suggested that a more consistent approach needed to found to monitoring the council’s major contracts.  Members asked that the Chief Executive and the Deputy Director (Contracts and Procurement) should consider this matter and propose a better, more consistent process. 




(a)       that the annual reports from leisure contractors continue to be submitted to Members for information;


(b)       that the Chief Executive and the Deputy Director (Contracts and Procurement) be requested to propose a more consistent approach to monitoring the performance of major contracts; and


(c)        that the two leisure contractors be requested to provide information on their energy saving measures and that this be included in future annual reports. 


Vale of White Horse District Council