Decision details

Abbey Shopping Centre and Charter Area, Abingdon - supplementary planning document

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


Cabinet considered report 40/11 of the head of planning.  This set out the results of the public consultation on the draft supplementary planning document for the Abbey Centre and the Charter in Abingdon.  Cabinet considered the feedback and the draft document. 


Councillor Jim Halliday was invited to address the meeting.  He questioned why the supplementary planning document did not refer to a weather canopy to protect pedestrians; the public had requested this.  He also believed that the publicity should make it clear that the public would need to comment separately on the forthcoming planning application for the Abbey Shopping Centre and Charter, even if they had already commented on the draft supplementary planning document.  The chairman agreed that this would need clarifying with respondents. 


Cabinet noted that as it acted as landowner/developer for these sites in partnership with Scottish Widows, there would be a potential conflict of interest if the decision as local planning authority on the draft supplementary planning document, was made by all five Cabinet members.  The monitoring officer advised that the Cabinet member for property and the Cabinet chairman should withdraw from this decision to avoid a potential conflict of interest.  Councillor Elaine Ware (Cabinet member for property) and Councillor Matthew Barber (Cabinet chairman) both stepped away from the table to allow the remaining Cabinet members to consider the report recommendations.  The vice-chairman, Councillor Roger Cox, took the chair for this item. 


Cabinet noted that the supplementary planning document should not include reference to a canopy, as this would be a commercial decision.  Cabinet noted that each shop would need planning permission if it wished to erect a canopy.  Cabinet agreed, believing that the council could not require the developer to install a canopy.  It would also reduce light to the shopping centre and would cause maintenance problems.  The developer was trying to improve the ambience of the centre and this was the opportunity to do that and bring shoppers back to the town.  Cabinet was content with the draft supplementary planning document. 


RECOMMENDED: To Council to:


(a)               agree the responses to the key points of feedback from public consultation and revisions to the Abbey Shopping Centre and Charter Area Draft Supplementary Planning Document, summarised at paragraphs 9 to 21 of the report 40/11, and set out in detail at paragraphs 17 to 30 of the consultation statement at annex A to that report; and


(b)       adopt the Abbey Shopping Centre and Charter Area Supplementary Planning Document with the revisions referred to in (a) above. 

Publication date: 07/02/2012

Date of decision: 11/11/2011

Decided at meeting: 11/11/2011 - Cabinet

Accompanying Documents:


Vale of White Horse District Council