Decision details

Draft South West Spatial Strategy – Secretary of State’s Proposed Changes August 2008

Decision Maker: Executive

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


(Time: 3.36pm to 3.40pm)


The Executive received and considered report 97/08 of the Deputy Director (Planning and Community Strategy) that set out proposed changes to the draft South West Spatial Strategy, also known as the South West Plan.  The report also set out recommendations from the Strategic and Local Planning Advisory Group on the response that should be made to the Secretary of State. 


In the draft South West Plan, Swindon had been identified as strategically significant and included a proposal for 12,000 dwellings on the eastern side of the town, near to the Vale’s boundary. 


While the basis of the draft Plan had been retained, changes were proposed to make it clearer and shorter.  The Executive reviewed the recommendations of the Advisory Group and concurred with its views. 



that the following responses be made on the draft South West Plan’s proposed changes to the Government Office for the South West:


(a)               The Council objects to Development Policy A, as proposed to be changed, because the references to the wider context have been deleted and  recommends that new Development Policy A, as proposed to be changed,  is amended to restore these explicit references to the wider context;


(b)               The Council objects to Development Policy D, as proposed to be changed, because it does not require that the regionally and sub-regionally significant  infrastructure required to service development has been identified and proven to be deliverable and recommends that Development Policy D, as proposed to be changed, is amendedby the addition of the words ‘as part of the relevant major development proposal as set out in the RSS’;


(c)               The Council supports the addition to para 3.7.3 of the clause “well-connected by sustainable transport to higher order services and facilities in city and town centres”;


(d)               The Council objects to Development Policy F, as proposed to be changed,  because it does not explicitly acknowledge that urban extensions have implications for their surrounding communities and recommends that Development Policy F, as proposed to be changed, fourth bullet point, is amended as follows; ‘amenity space and green infrastructure that meets community needs, provides adequate protection to existing neighbouring communities, respects the landscape setting and supports improved biodiversity’;


(e)               The Council objects to Policy HMA2: Swindon HMA, as proposed to be changed, because it should make provision for an additional search area of sustainable housing and accordingly make consequential changes to the quanta of new homes set out in the respective search areas and require that the regionally and sub-regionally significant  infrastructure required to service development has been identified and proven to be deliverable. It recommends that Policy HMA2: Swindon HMA, as proposed to be changed, is amended;

(i)                 as it relates to Area of Search 2A to the east of Swindon by the deletion of 12,000 new homes and the substitution of 10,200 new homes,

(ii)               by the insertion of a new Area of Search at Commonhead for 1,800 new homes, and

(iii)             by the insertion of the following text ‘ The release of land for the proposed 10,200 homes at Area of Search 2A to the east of Swindon is dependent upon the confirmation that the transport and other infrastructure required to service the development has been identified and proven to be deliverable.’; and


(f)                 The Council objects to Policy RTS1, as proposed to be changed, because it does not reflect the connectivity that the regionally important A420 provides between the South West and South East Regions and recommends that Policy RTS1, as proposed to be changed, is modified to reflect that the A420 Swindon to Oxford Road has the same status as it has in the draft South East Plan. 

Publication date: 19/10/2008

Date of decision: 17/10/2008

Decided at meeting: 17/10/2008 - Executive

Effective from: 29/10/2008

Accompanying Documents:


Vale of White Horse District Council