Decision details

Local Development Framework: Open Space, Sport and Recreation Supplementary Planning Document, Future Provision

Decision Maker: Executive

Decision status: Recommendations approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Committee received and considered report 195/07 of the Deputy Director (Planning and Community Strategy), Open Space, Sport and Recreation Supplementary Planning Document, Future Provision.


It was reported that at the meeting of the Strategic and Local Planning Advisory Group held on 22 October 2007 Members considered the Draft Open Space, Sport and Recreation Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) prior to its publication for consultation.  At a subsequent meeting of the Strategic and Local Planning Advisory Group Members had considered the comments submitted during the consultation process and had agreed to amend the SPD as recommended in this report.


The Principal Planning Officer introduced the report to the Committee and commented that the main purpose of the Supplementary Planning Document was to enable the Council to secure funds from new developments to mitigate their impact on open space, sport and recreation. She advised that the document had been produced by Officers in conjunction with external consultants.  She commented that a detailed audit of 700 sites had been carried out looking at quality, quantity and accessibility.


One Member highlighted that there were some words missing from page 15 of the document. It was also noted that the document would be going to Council on 16 July 2008, not on the 21 May 2008 as stated.


One Member welcomed the document, stating that in her experience obtaining funds from developers had proven difficult. She advised that in her opinion developers should have to provide the funds up front. Another Member commented that the Vale needed to be proactive and cited an example of where money had been received up front, yet it had taken four years to build a play area using the funds.


RESOLVED (nem com)


(a)         that the Executive be asked to recommend to the Council that it adopts the Open Space, Sport and Recreation, Future Provision Supplementary Planning Document subject to the changes set out in the appendix to report 195/07; and


(b)         that the Executive be asked to recommend to the Council that it implements the requirements of the Supplementary Planning Document via the Development Control function on planning applications for one or more houses  once a project officer is in place.

Publication date: 14/05/2008

Date of decision: 12/05/2008

Decided at meeting: 12/05/2008 - Planning Committee

Accompanying Documents: