Decision details

Performance Monitoring Report: January to March 2010

Decision Maker: Executive

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


The Executive considered report 3/10 of the Principal Performance Management Officer.  This summarised the council’s performance in the period January to March 2010 against national indicators, local area agreement targets, and local performance targets.  There was also an analysis of staff sickness and turnover, and a summary of what went well and not so well. 


Councillors noted that there were some performance figures missing from the report as third parties provided these.  The officer expected to receive the missing data before year end and would send this to executive portfolio holders as it became available.  The Executive called for a consolidation report in around six months’ time. 


The Executive discussed the number of indicators and targets.  The Chair asked for officers and portfolio holders to review their indicators and targets and bring forward proposals to reduce them to a more manageable level. 


The Executive reviewed the performance report as follows:


  • The Executive noted the low levels of sickness across the council but in particular congratulated the Strategic Director’s office and the Health and Housing services for their good records. 


  • In relation to local performance target 333, the number of households prevented from becoming homeless, councillors congratulated the officers for their strong performance during the recession. 


  • There was good news on the performance against the targets for recycling, the collection of residual household waste, and street cleansing.  Despite the loss of time due to snow, performance was on target and improving due to good work by the council’s client team and its contractor, Veolia. 


  • Councillors noted that there had been some improvement by the council’s contractor, Capita, in its performance on processing benefits claims accurately.  The Ridgeway Shared Services Partnership continued to monitor this.  The next Capita performance report was due at the end of June. 


  • With regard to the number of vacant shop units in the Vale’s market towns, these had reduced, particularly in Faringdon and Wantage.  Councillors thanked the officers for their part in this. 


Executive members were asked to keep track of performance within their portfolios. 




That the progress made against performance targets, service plans, and the end of year predictions be noted, and the executive portfolio holders continue to monitor their local performance targets. 

Publication date: 02/06/2010

Date of decision: 28/05/2010

Decided at meeting: 28/05/2010 - Executive

Effective from: 09/06/2010

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