Decision details

Corporate plan 2012-2016

Decision Maker: Cabinet, Council

Decision status: Recommmend Forward to Council

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


Cabinet considered report 70/11 of the head of corporate strategy, which sought agreement to the draft corporate plan 2012 to 2016. 


The chairman invited Councillor Dudley Hoddinott to ask his question.  The corporate plan referred to increasing the internet speeds across the district.  Councillor Hoddinott asked how the council would measure the success of faster broadband internet access in rural areas, since their service was already poorer than the towns?  The chairman reported that the council was working with partners in the private sector and internet service providers to introduce faster broadband technology.  Some connection exchanges would be upgraded this year. 


Cabinet thanked the officers involved in preparing the corporate plan for 2012 to 2016.  Councillors believed that the consultation had proved useful and thanked the public respondents for their feedback and the Scrutiny Committee for its contribution. 


In relation to the delivery of services section, to ensure the council took residents’ and stakeholders’ views into account, Cabinet agreed to amend the draft plan to measure success by looking at the percentage of people who felt they could inform decisions affecting their local area. 




(a)       agree the proposed changes to the draft 2012-2016 corporate plan, set out in report 70/11;


(b)       authorise the Head of Corporate Strategy to make any further minor editorial changes required in consultation with the Leader of the Council prior to final approval by Council; and


RECOMMEND to Council to:


(c)        adopt the 2012 – 2016 corporate plan contained in Appendix B to report 70/11, with the addition of the following:

·        In the section on the delivery of services, to ensure the council takes residents’ and stakeholders’ views into account, success will be measured by looking at the percentage of people who feel they can inform decisions affecting their local area. 

Report author: Sally Truman

Publication date: 15/02/2012

Date of decision: 10/02/2012

Decided at meeting: 10/02/2012 - Cabinet

Accompanying Documents:


Vale of White Horse District Council