Decision details

IT strategy

Decision Maker: Executive

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


The Executive considered report 40/10 of the Head of HR, IT, and Customer Services.  This proposed an information technology (IT) strategy and investment plan for both the Vale and South Oxfordshire District Council.  As staff at the two councils worked more closely, it had become clear for the need to find better ways of working.  Separate IT systems were a hindrance.  Together, councillors and staff from both councils developed the draft IT strategy to get the best value from IT investments, to obtain the best IT infrastructure, and to decide which systems to keep, which to manage in-house, and which to source externally. 


An investment plan was prepared to implement the strategy.  This identified priorities, the investment timetable, and a costs and savings plan for the harmonisation of major systems.  The anticipated infrastructure cost to the council over five years was £370k; there would be additional costs for new software. 


The Executive considered that the IT strategy provided a suitable framework for IT decision-making for the next five years, offering a consistent approach and convergence of systems with South Oxfordshire.  Councillors welcomed the IT investment plan that set out a timetable for the majority of systems’ harmonisation over the next two years and the investment in further IT over the five-year period.  The Executive suggested that all councillors should have the opportunity to comment on the IT strategy. 


The Executive considered that the council needed further IT investment.  However, rollout of the strategy and investment plan would be dependent on finance.  The Executive believed that the strategy was achievable within the timeframe and the anticipated cost. 


Councillors requested that the risks of introducing new IT systems were minimised.  The effect on service delivery should be contained.  It was important to find IT solutions that met service needs and were easy to use.  The choice of systems was important and needed both staff and councillors’ input.  The method for doing this needed further consideration but could involve a councillors’ project group, joint with South Oxfordshire.  The Executive considered that training for users on the new IT systems was essential too. 




(a)       To adopt the IT strategy, with the addition of a further principle that the councils will take decisions to minimise energy consumption;


(b)       To approve the IT investment plan, subject to the availability of funding in future years; and


(c)        To authorise the Head of HR, IT, and Customer Services, in consultation with the Executive portfolio holder, to procure a system to replace Ocella and/or UNI-form for both councils, following the councils’ procurement policy and procedures. 

Publication date: 08/09/2010

Date of decision: 03/09/2010

Decided at meeting: 03/09/2010 - Executive

Effective from: 16/09/2010

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