Title Notice published Urgent? Status Decision due
Wantage eastern link road funding agreement17/04/2018For Determination06/12/2019
Capital strategy 2019/20 to 2029/30 - to recommend Council to adopt the strategy21/12/2018For Determination13/02/2019
Treasury management mid-year monitoring 2018/19 - to monitor mid-year performance and make recommendations to Council21/12/2018For Determination13/02/2019
Application by Marcham Parish Council for release of section 106 funds - to recommend Council to approve the application21/12/2018For Determination13/02/2019
Public space CCTV repair and maintenance - to award a contract21/12/2018For Determination06/2019
Treasury management and investment strategy 2019/20 to 2020/21 - to recommend Council to adopt the strategy21/12/2018For Determination13/02/2019
Budget 2019/20 - to recommend approval of the budget to Council21/12/2018For Determination13/02/2019
Oxfordshire Plan 2050 - to approve the plan for Regulation 18a consultation, to approve the statement of community involvement, and to approve an amendment to the Local Development Scheme03/12/2018For Determination01/02/2019
Faringdon Leisure Centre wet side refurbishment - to appoint a contractor to deliver the project03/12/2018For Determination18/01/2019
Technology strategy - to review the strategy03/12/2018For Determination03/04/2020
Health and wellbeing strategy - to develop a strategy for Vale of White Horse03/12/2018For Determination01/02/2019
Street nameplates - to award a contract for their provision and installation01/11/2018For Determination06/2019
Local Plan Part 1: Adopted Policies Map - to recommend Council to make factual corrections to the map01/11/2018For Determination13/02/2019
Home Improvement Agency contract - to award a contract01/11/2018For Determination02/2019
Community Infrastructure Levy - to approve a spending strategy19/10/2018For Determination05/04/2019
Outreach contract - to award a housing advice outreach contract28/09/2018For Determination03/2019
White Horse Leisure and Tennis Centre, Abingdon - to update the outdoor tennis court surface18/07/2018For Determination02/2019
Housing allocations policy - to approve the policy17/05/2018For Determination01/02/2019
Abingdon flood alleviation - to enter into a funding agreement12/03/2018For Determination02/08/2019
Standing item: Section 106 and Community Infrastructure Levy funds - to create a budget and release funds10/11/2017For Determination10/2023
Didcot Garden Town and Enterprise Zones - allocation of government grant awards15/09/2017For Determination03/2019
Standing item: Neighbourhood planning - to determine any matters relating to neighbourhood plans05/08/2016For Determination06/2020
Standing item: Property decisions - to approve any property sales or purchases or take any property management decisions09/10/2013For Determination10/2023