01/04/2021 - Electric vehicle park and charge project - to obtain approval to enter into a contract with a charging operator

Decision Maker: Cabinet member for finance and corporate assets

Decision due date: 10/2021

Lead officer: John Backley

Notice of decision: 01/04/2021

15/03/2021 - Performance management framework - to approve the framework

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 28/05/2021

Lead officer: Harry Barrington-Mountford, James Carpenter

Notice of decision: 15/03/2021

17/02/2021 - Biffa annual report

Decision Maker: Joint Scrutiny Committee

Decision due date: 14/09/2021

Lead officer: Ian Matten

Notice of decision: 08/03/2021

17/02/2021 - Flooding - partnership roles and responsibilities

Decision Maker: Joint Scrutiny Committee

Decision due date: including an update from the Joint sewerage and pollution review task and finish group

Lead officer: Andrew Down

Notice of decision: 08/03/2021

17/02/2021 - SABA car park contract review

Decision Maker: Joint Scrutiny Committee

Decision due date: 14/09/2021

Lead officer: John Backley

Notice of decision: 08/03/2021

17/02/2021 - Community Safety Partnership report

Decision Maker: Joint Scrutiny Committee

Decision due date: 16/11/2021

Lead officer: Diane Foster

Notice of decision: 08/03/2021

17/02/2021 - Policy on the council publicly supporting social issues and campaigns - to approve a new policy

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 28/05/2021

Lead officer: Andy Roberts

Notice of decision: 17/02/2021

08/02/2021 - Oxfordshire’s Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2021-26 - to approve the strategy

Decision Maker: Cabinet member for healthy communities

Decision due date: 06/2021

Lead officer: Phil Ealey

Notice of decision: 08/02/2021

07/01/2021 - Heylo affordable housing funding - to consider funding an affordable housing project from the Oxfordshire Growth Deal and Section 106 commuted sums. This is likely to be an exempt decision under Category 3

Decision Maker: Cabinet, Council

Decision due date: 14/07/2021

Lead officer: Jayne Bolton

Notice of decision: 07/01/2021

23/11/2020 - Performance management framework and year 1 corporate delivery plan.

To receive a report outlining the council’s performance management framework, and to consider the year 1 corporate delivery plan and associated performance metrics.

Decision Maker: Scrutiny Committee

Decision due date: 27/05/2021

Lead officer: Adrianna Partridge

Notice of decision: 15/12/2020

23/11/2020 - Future Oxfordshire Partnership

Decision Maker: Scrutiny Committee

Lead officer: Andrew Down

Notice of decision: 23/11/2020

19/10/2020 - New energy contracts for properties and sites managed by Vale - to authorise the contract

Decision Maker: Cabinet member for finance and corporate assets

Decision due date: 10/2022

Lead officer: Angela Baker

Notice of decision: 19/10/2020

11/08/2020 - Didcot Local Development Order - to approve the draft order for consultation

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 29/10/2021

Wards affected: Sutton Courtenay;

Lead officer: Adrian Butler

Notice of decision: 11/08/2020

26/06/2020 - GLL annual performance review 2019 to 2022

Decision Maker: Joint Scrutiny Committee

Decision due date: 20/10/2022

Lead officer: James Carpenter

Notice of decision: 21/08/2020

26/06/2020 - Office accommodation

Decision Maker: Scrutiny Committee

Decision due date: 23/09/2021

Lead officer: Adrianna Partridge

Notice of decision: 26/06/2020

16/03/2020 - Public consultations

To review how consultations are run

Decision Maker: Scrutiny Committee

Notice of decision: 16/03/2020

16/03/2020 - Oxfordshire Growth Board - review outcome

Decision Maker: Joint Scrutiny Committee

Lead officer: Andrew Down

Notice of decision: 16/03/2020

16/03/2020 - Didcot Garden Town - project update

Decision Maker: Scrutiny Committee

Decision due date: 02/08/2022

Lead officer: Jayne Bolton

Notice of decision: 16/03/2020

03/01/2020 - A34 diversion routing - scrutiny committee 25 November 2021

Council adopted a motion on 9 October 2019 asking Scrutiny Committee to consider this. 

Decision Maker: Scrutiny Committee

Notice of decision: 03/01/2020

24/12/2019 - Flood and water management agreement - to recommend Council to approve the agency agreement and charges with Oxfordshire County Council

Decision Maker: Cabinet, Council

Decision due date: 12/10/2022

Lead officer: John Backley

Notice of decision: 24/12/2019

20/11/2019 - Affordable Housing Guidance Note

To receive a progress report

Decision Maker: Joint Scrutiny Committee

Decision due date: 07/11/2022

Lead officer: Steve May

Notice of decision: 20/11/2019

20/11/2019 - Exempt: Central Abingdon Regeneration Framework (CARF)

Decision Maker: Scrutiny Committee

Decision due date: 14/11/2022

Lead officer: James Carpenter

Notice of decision: 20/11/2019

Anticipated restriction: Fully exempt  - view reasons

Explanation of anticipated restriction:
the report is confidential by virtue of paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972, as the public interest in maintaining this exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing this information at this time

20/11/2019 - Strategic property review

Decision Maker: Joint Scrutiny Committee

Decision due date: 14/09/2021

Lead officer: Catrin Mathias

Notice of decision: 20/11/2019

20/11/2019 - Oxfordshire Plan 2050

Decision Maker: Joint Scrutiny Committee

Decision due date: 13/07/2021

Lead officer: Adrian Duffield

Notice of decision: 20/11/2019

20/11/2019 - Planning appeals

To consider the annual report 

Decision Maker: Scrutiny Committee

Decision due date: 12/10/2021

Lead officer: Adrian Duffield

Notice of decision: 20/11/2019

18/10/2019 - Recommendations from other committees - to consider and determine action on any recommendations from other committees

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 28/05/2021

Lead officer: Steve Culliford

Notice of decision: 18/10/2019

30/08/2019 - Electric vehicle park and charge project - to review provision in council owned car parks

Decision Maker: Cabinet member for finance and corporate assets

Decision due date: 06/2021

Lead officer: John Backley

Notice of decision: 04/10/2019

13/06/2019 - Sparsholt Sewage Treatment Works - to replace the existing plant

Decision Maker: Head of development and corporate landlord

Decision due date: 11/07/2019

Wards affected: Ridgeway;

Lead officer: John Backley

Notice of decision: 13/06/2019

10/05/2019 - Challow Sewage Treatment Works - to award a contract to replace existing plant

Decision Maker: Cabinet member for finance and corporate assets

Decision due date: 08/2021

Wards affected: Ridgeway;

Lead officer: John Backley

Notice of decision: 10/05/2019

01/03/2019 - Stairlift contract - to award a contract to provide stairlifts funded by the Disabled Facilities Grant

Decision Maker: Cabinet member for healthy communities

Decision due date: 06/2022

Lead officer: Phil Ealey

Notice of decision: 01/03/2019

10/11/2017 - Standing item: Section 106 and Community Infrastructure Levy funds - to create a budget and release funds

Decision Maker: Cabinet member for affordable housing, infrastructure, development and governance

Decision due date: 10/2023

Lead officer: Mark Hewer

Notice of decision: 10/11/2017

15/02/2012 - Standing item: Property decisions - to approve any property sales or purchases or take any property management decisions

Decision Maker: Cabinet member for finance and property, Head of development and corporate landlord

Decision due date: 10/2023

Lead officer: Karen Lister

Notice of decision: 09/10/2013