Issue - decisions

Corporate Governance Report - Second Quarter 2007/08

12/12/2007 - Corporate Governance Report - Second Quarter 2007/08

(Time: 3.15pm to 3.22pm)


The Executive received and considered report 111/07 of the Senior Management Team which reported on corporate governance for the second quarter: July to September 2007.  This looked at the key areas of:

·        Corporate Priorities

·        Best Value Performance Indicators

·        Progress against Service Prioritisation Plans

·        Key staffing data (sickness levels and turnover)

·        Financial commentary


At its meeting on 19 November 2007, the Senior Management Team considered the second quarter 2007/08 Business Performance Report: an exception report which covered all of the aspects of corporate governance.  The Senior Management Team agreed the exceptions to be reported to the Executive, where performance or actions were not on target, and agreed the comments and actions to be included in the report to the Executive. 


The Executive noted that the performance of the benefits claims processing was stabilising and was encouraging.  It was hoped that performance would be close to target at the year end.  With regard to invoices paid on time, it was noted that performance was dependent upon the success of the recovery plan.  The Chief Finance Officer was gaining confidence that recovery would be achieved, subject to close monitoring.  The Executive Portfolio Holder for Finance offered to show the Chairman of the Scrutiny Committee the detailed recovery plan. 


There had been an increase in public contact with the Abingdon Local Services Point.  This was partly due to the rise in calls relating to the July flooding.  Staff sickness in the Local Services Point had had an impact on the service but was improving. 




that the Senior Management Team’s Corporate Governance exception report and proposals be noted.