Issue - decisions

Office accommodation - to approve funds for changes to office accommodation

15/07/2022 - Office accommodation - to approve funds for changes to office accommodation

Decision 1 – Funding approval


1) To approve the budget for funding of the works and move the council’s main office to Abbey House, Abingdon.  The council’s share of the costs is £121,300(Capital £110,226 & Rev £11,074)

 The full value of the project budget is £242,600, and each council is being asked to be responsible for 50 per cent of the costs


2)To approve the virement of £86,684 from essential capital works budget to Operational Property Assets – essential works budget to fund the capital requirements of this project.


Decision 2 – Tender award


To approve the Tender process outcome the details of which are set out in the attached confidential appendix and to agree to appoint SCM Ltd as the preferred bidder and to enter into an industry standard, Joint Contracts Tribunal (JCT) minor works contract for the carrying out of the works details of which are set out below. 



N.B. The Scrutiny Committee chair, Councillor Nathan Boyd, has waived call-in rights on the two decisions above. 


Vale of White Horse District Council