Issue - decisions

Great Western Park, Didcot - to approve arrangements for the maintenance of open space

14/10/2016 - Future maintenance of open space at Great Western Park, Didcot

Cabinet considered the report of the interim head of development, regeneration and housing.  This set out a proposal from The Land Trust to manage the public open space at Great Western Park, Didcot. 


The Cabinet member reported that The Land Trust was experienced in managing open spaces and working with voluntary organisations.  This was the best option financially to manage these open spaces and would provide cost-effective long term maintenance compared to the in-house or contracted out management options.  Cabinet noted that if this arrangement failed, the responsibility to manage the open spaces would revert back to the council. 




(a)       support implementation of the proposed management and maintenance arrangement for open spaces at Great Western Park, Didcot, as outlined in option 2 of The Land Trust’s proposal (attached as Appendix 1 to the report to Cabinet on 7 October 2016); and


(b)       authorise the Head of Development, Regeneration in consultation with the Cabinet member responsible for property to take whatever action is required, to expedite this proposal as soon as practically possible and to negotiate terms for the disposal of the land and enter into all necessary documents. 


Vale of White Horse District Council