Issue - decisions

Treasury management mid-year monitoring report 2015/16 - to monitor mid-year performance

11/02/2016 - Treasury management mid-year monitoring report 2015/16

Cabinet considered the head of finance’s mid-year monitoring report on the council’s treasury management function.  This covered the first six months of 2015/16 financial year (up to 30 September 2015) and, looking forward, updated on the current economic conditions. 


The Joint Audit and Governance Committee had considered the report at its meeting on 25 January 2016 and had not recommended any adjustments to the strategy as a result of the first six months’ activities.  Likewise, Cabinet concluded that the treasury management activities had operated within the agreed parameters set out in the approved treasury management strategy. 


RECOMMENDED to Council to approve the treasury management mid-year monitoring report 2015/16. 


Vale of White Horse District Council