Agenda item

Enforcement Programme


The Committee received and considered report 188/08 of the Deputy Director (Planning and Community Strategy) which sought authority to take enforcement action in respect of two cases.


The Committee considered both cases as follows: -


(1)       Mr G Wright and Mrs J Wright - unauthorised development, including two steel shipping containers on land to the west of the George and Dragon Public House, Upton


Further to the report the Committee noted that a letter had been received from Mrs Wright in respect of the unauthorised development at the George and Dragon Public House in Upton which was read out in full at the meeting.  Mrs Wright had claimed that she was of the opinion that the land was being used for its intended purpose which was grazing animals.  Mrs Wright had advised of the rare breed of sows kept and she had referred to the geese, ducks and chickens being bred and the horses being looked after.  She had reported that she was tidying up the site and that much debris including a scrap car had been removed.  Mrs Wright had noted concerns regarding bonfires on the site but had suggested that the concerns raised might relate to the bonfires started on the railway embankment.  With reference to the caravan, she had explained that this was used for taking breaks and sleepovers on the odd occasion when animals were ill or there was a fear of trespassers.  With regard to the shipping containers Mrs Wright had explained that these were used for secure storage and were barely visible.


The local Member whilst noting the comments of Mrs Wright supported taking enforcement action.  He commented that one of the shipping contained had been on site for more than two years.  He commented that he had visited the site and that there was concern regarding the increased height of the chicken enclosure.  He noted that the land was sub let to Mr and Mrs Wright for what they described as “hobby farming”. He reported that the activity upset local people and he questioned whether a professional view as to whether this activity was sustainable farming could be sought and whether there was a justification for anything remaining on the site.


The Officers responded that the issue to consider was the nature and structures of holdings it being noted that chuttles did not require planning permission.


It was commented that the Officers would look at all matters including the nature of the activity, the size of the site and the legal differences regarding what could be done under permitted development rights if it was an agricultural undertaking as opposed to those for “hobby farming”.


The local Member also asked that other aspects of the activity on the site and the comments of the North Wessex Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty should be looked into and he requested that he and the Parish Council be advised of any responses and information.


One Member commented that this was a clear case of where enforcement action should be taken promptly.


(2)       Mr Wells – unauthorised extension at Mather House, White Road, East Hendred


            Members supported taking enforcement action in this case,


By 8 votes to nil with 1 of the voting Members having already left the meeting it was




            (a)       that the Deputy Director (Planning and Community Strategy) be delegated authority in consultation with the Chair and/or Vice-Chair of the Development Control Committee authority to take enforcement action against Mr G Wright and Mrs J Wright of 1 Mackenzie Avenue, Milton Heights in regard to land to the west of the George and Dragon Public House, Upton (UPT/17983/2-E refers) to remove the unauthorised development, including the two steel shipping containers from this land if he considers it expedient to do so; and


            (b)       that the Deputy Director (Planning and Community Strategy) be delegated authority in consultation with the Chair and/or Vice-Chair of the Development Control Committee authority to take enforcement action against Mr L Wells of Mather House, White Road, East Hendred, Wantage Oxon OX12 8JG (EHE/16146/2 refers) to remove the unauthorised extension at Mather House if he considers it expedient to do so.