Agenda item

WAN/20127/1 – Erection of 5 dwellings with associated alterations to the access and car ports 1 Eblands Cottage, Challow Road, Wantage, OX12 9DW.


The Committee was advised that the Town Council had objected to the amended plans also.


It was noted that the Drainage Engineer was now content having regard to the additional information received as referred to in the report.


The Committee noted the concerns of the objector which were outlined. It was highlighted that the density which had been raised as a concern was in accordance with planning policy and was therefore acceptable.


The Committee noted that comments had been received from Councillor Joyce Hutchinson, one of the local Members which were read out at the meeting.  She had raised concerns regarding overdevelopment of the site; the access; increased traffic; pedestrian safety; loss of garden area and harmful impact on the character and appearance of the area.


Mrs M Buzzard, speaking on behalf of residents made a statement objecting to the application raising concerns relating to matters already covered in the report.  She particularly raised concerns regarding the number of houses; heights of buildings; layout; adverse impact of the proposal; dominance; the height of the dwelling on plot 7; proximity; overlooking from windows; loss of privacy; distances being less 9 metres; the height of the car ports; the span across the window; the car ports being the same height as bungalows; overshadowing; overlooking of other properties; pollution in terms of noise and smell from traffic; heavy traffic; narrow roads; exits and egresses; density; the access road being narrow; the site being cramped; the heavy soil; loss of trees and soil; parking; the need for screening and adverse impact on wildlife.


Mr Stevenson, speaking for the applicant made a statement in support of the application commenting that the land was surplus to requirements and that there was a desire to get the best value and ensure the maintenance of this land.  It was explained that the applicant had liaised with the Council Officers and the County Engineer to produce an acceptable scheme.  He explained that the previous scheme for 7 houses had been withdrawn and that a number of changes had been made.  The car ports height had been reduced and car ports had been set back with roofs sloping away; the proposal would not be overbearing or harm the amenity of the area.  There would be no overshadowing given the roof slope away from the gardens and that the car port would provide a buffer to the parking area and bungalows. A garage was to be removed and there were other changes to other plots.  The highway concerns had now been addressed and the proposal would provide 5 new houses on a brown field site which accorded with local plan policies and guidance.


The other local Member who was present at the meeting agreed with the comments made by Councillor Joyce Hutchinson commenting that the houses at the entrance to the site appeared cramped and there were concerns regarding the car port.  She considered that there would be an adverse impact on the amenity of the neighbouring bungalows and she considered that the car ports should be removed from the scheme.


Other Members spoke in support of the application considering that there were no material planning reasons to refuse the application.  However, it was agreed that the proposal would be much improved with the car ports removed and additional planting being provided along the boundary.


By 9 votes to nil, it was




that the Deputy Director (Planning and Community Strategy) be delegated authority to approve application WAN/20127/1 subject to: -


(1)          the conditions set out in the report; and


(2)          receipt of amended plans showing the removal of the car port.