Agenda item

Flood Recovery Grant Advisory Group

To receive the minutes of the meetings of the Flood Recovery Grant Advisory Group held on 4 October 2007 (attached) and 7 November 2007 (to be circulated separately).  


(Time: 4.28pm to 4.30pm)


The Executive received and considered the minutes of the Flood Recovery Grant Advisory Group meetings held on 4 October and 7 November 2007. 


The Advisory Group had recommended a series of actions regarding emergency planning.  The Executive approved these, including the remit of the Advisory Group being widened to include all matters relating to emergencies and emergency planning. 




(a)       that the following operational recommendations be agreed and be implemented by officers:

(i)             The Emergency Plan should be updated urgently;

(ii)           The work currently being carried out in producing the corporate Business Continuity Plan should also be completed in order to compliment and enhance the requirements of the Emergency Plan and Civil Contingencies Act;

(iii)         The Emergency Plan should provide for a sufficient number of teams, depending on the scenario, which should be made up of suitably skilled officers who must be given proper training and clear instruction as to their roles and authorities;

(iv)         The roles of officers and elected Members involved in emergency planning should be defined more clearly and in particular that of the Emergency Planning Officer;

(v)           A well-positioned and properly equipped control room should be set up to act as the incident base with all the necessary technical and administrative facilities in place. An alternative venue should also be agreed in case Abbey House is put out of action;

(vi)         Arrangements should be made for stocks of sand and sandbags to be readily available at short notice and prioritisation system should be devised and implemented with sandbag drop off points to be agreed and policed;

(vii)       There should be access to appropriate and sufficient numbers of vehicles and equipment to deal with an emergency response and severe weather conditions;

(viii)     Managers should assess the skill base within their team for dealing with emergencies, and feed that information into the emergency plan so that the correct resources/skills are directed to the correct task;

(ix)         Members and staff with knowledge of local areas should be utilised and sources of additional manpower should be identified in the plan;

(x)           The Communication Team should be involved at the start of an incident so that responses to that information can be co-ordinated;

(xi)         Appropriate methods of communication between teams, including the use of technology should be explored;

(xii)       Arrangements should be made to ensure that elected Members and staff receive up to date accurate information as to the emergency situation as it is develops and what action the Council is taking to respond;

(xiii)     A dedicated officer should be nominated for monitoring and maintaining the welfare of staff and the public involved in dealing with the emergency e.g. ensure adequate breaks, food, drink etc;


(b)               that the following recommendations be agreed and be progressed by Members:

(i)             The Council should do more to encourage owners in areas at risk to properly protect their properties and should explore the possibility of promoting and instigating a scheme of installing individual flood barriers;

(ii)           Training and scenario-based workshops should be provided to all elected Members and staff likely to be involved in an emergency planning;

(iii)         The Council should carry out a review of its response action and resources in cases of flooding; and


(c)        that the name and Terms of Reference of the Flood Recovery Grant Advisory Group be revised as follows and that the existing membership be retained for the remainder of the 2007/08 Municipal Year:


Emergency Advisory Group


To consider and give advice to the Executive on all matters associated with emergencies and emergency planning. 

Supporting documents: