Agenda item

Old Gaol, Abingdon

To receive and consider report 110/07 of the Chief Executive. 


Introduction and Report Summary


At its meeting on 13th July 2007 the Executive short listed a number of companies to proceed to stage 2 of the selection process for a development partner for the Old Gaol.  The deadline for submissions was 22 October 2007 and this report sets out the context for the Executive to select a preferred development partner and to determine its position in respect of the other submissions.


The contact officer for this report is Terry Stock, Chief Executive, telephone (01235 540303. 

Email address:




The Executive is recommended:


(a)              To select a preferred development partner and state the reasons for that selection.  The Officers advise that this decision should be taken in confidential session;


(b)              To formulate any guidance it wishes to give to the Chief Executive on any particular aspects it would wish to see explored in the discussions on the Development Agreement.  The Officers advise that this decision should be taken in confidential session;


(c)               To select a reserve development partner and state the reasons for that selection.  The Officers advise that this decision should be taken in confidential session;


(d)              To determine its position on the remaining schemes, together with its reasons.  The Officers advise that this decision should be taken in confidential session;


(e)              To determine its position in respect of Harcourt Way.  The Officers advise that this decision should be taken in confidential session;


(f)                 To consider the financial consequences of its decision on a preferred developer.  The Officers advise that this decision should be taken in confidential session;


(g)              To determine what, if anything, further to put into the public domain.  The Officers advise that this decision should be taken in confidential session;


(h)              To determine what, if any, consultation it wishes to take with AbingdonTown Council, Community in the Old Gaol, other groups and individuals. The Officers advise that this decision should be taken in confidential session;


(a)              To delegate to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader of the Council and Leader of the Opposition, the authority to negotiate and conclude any agreements needed to proceed to contract with the preferred developer.


(Time: 3.05pm to 3.15pm)


(Councillors Angela Lawrence and Julie Mayhew-Archer both declared personal interests in this item and in accordance with Standing Order 34, they remained in the meeting during its consideration.)


The Executive received and considered report 110/07 of the Chief Executive regarding the future of the Old Gaol in Abingdon.  At its meeting on 13 July 2007, the Executive had short-listed a number of companies to proceed to stage 2 of the selection process for a development partner for the Old Gaol.  The deadline for submissions was 22 October 2007.  The report set out the background for the Executive’s decision to select a preferred development partner and to determine its position in respect of the other submissions. 


The Chief Executive recommended that the Council continued to maintain confidentiality; the Executive agreed with the reasons set out in the report. 


Local Member, CouncillorJulie Mayhew-Archer, requested to be involved in discussions once the preferred developer had been chosen.  The Executive agreed with the principle but agreed to discuss the detail of this request later in the meeting in exempt session. 


Members assured those in attendance that the Executive would give careful consideration to all aspects presented in the Chief Executive’s report and balance them against the development brief and financial issues.  Members would be looking at all aspects to get good value for the town and the District.  It was agreed that the cross-party Member-level Old Gaol Advisory Group should continue to meet and provide constructive advice as discussions proceeded. 


RESOLVED  (by seven votes to nil)


(a)              that in exempt session later in the meeting, a preferred development partner be selected and the reasons for that selection be stated;


(b)              that in exempt session later in the meeting, the Executive formulates any guidance it wishes to give to the Chief Executive on any particular aspects it would wish to see explored in the discussions on the Development Agreement;


(c)               that in exempt session later in the meeting, a reserve development partner be selected and the reasons for that selection be stated;


(d)              that in exempt session later in the meeting, the Executive determines its position on the remaining schemes, together with its reasons;


(e)              that in exempt session later in the meeting, the Executive determines its position in respect of Harcourt Way, Abingdon;


(f)                 that in exempt session later in the meeting, the Executive considers the financial consequences of its decision on a preferred developer;


(g)              that in exempt session later in the meeting, the Executive determines what information, if anything, to put into the public domain;


(h)              that in exempt session later in the meeting, the Executive determines what, if any, consultation it wishes to take with Abingdon Town Council, Community in the Old Gaol, other groups and individuals;


(i)                 that authority be delegated to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader of the Council and Leader of the Opposition, to negotiate and conclude any agreements needed to proceed to contract completion with the preferred developer;


(j)                 that the cross-party Old Gaol Advisory Group continues to meet to give advice to the Chief Executive; and


(k)        that authority be delegated to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader of the Council and Leader of the Opposition, to consider how best to involve the Local Member.  

Supporting documents: