Agenda item

Enforcement Report

To receive and consider report 82/07 of the Deputy Director (planning and Community Strategy) (attached).


The Committee received and consider report 82/07 of the Deputy Director (Planning and Community Strategy) which informed Members of nine resolved enforcement cases, and sought authority to remove them from the active enforcement list. 


Each case was considered and the following comments specifically made: -


Two metre high fence adjacent to the highway at 22 Woodhill Drive, Grove, Wantage


One Member commented that it would be untimely for the Council to take enforcement action now and agreed that the item should be removed from the active enforcement list.


However, other Members expressed concern regarding the loss of openness on this estate and the perception given to the public that breaches of conditions were acceptable.  Other Members agreed and considered that in not taking enforcement action other similar fences would be erected, which cumulatively would be harmful to the character and open appearance of the area.


One Member questioned why enforcement had been outstanding for 7 years to which the Officers responded that they would need to look into this and report back.


The Committee requested that a report be presented to a future meeting of the Committee relating to all outstanding enforcement cases where authorisation to take enforcement action was given prior to 1 April 2005.


Unauthorised works to the former Air Balloon Public House - 169 Ock Street, Abingdon


In response to a question raised the Officers reported that the contravention of the listed building consent was not considered sufficient to warrant a prosecution in this case.




(a)               that no further action be taken in the following cases and they be removed from the active enforcement list: -


(1)                    unauthorised UPVC Windows at 2-4 Ock Street, Abingdon, OX14 5AH, ABG/8129/11-LB;


(2)                    unauthorised summerhouse/games room at  5 Norman Avenue, Abingdon, OX14 2HQ, ABG/19058/3-E;


(3)                    unauthorised works to the former  Air Balloon Public House (a Grade II ListedBuilding)at 169 Ock Street, Abingdon, OX14 5DW, ABG/4771/8-E;


(4)                    unauthorised business use and compound in the domestic garden at 104 West Way, Botley, Oxford, Oxon, OX2 9JU, NHI/18265/1-E;


(5)                    unauthorised business use and compound in the domestic garden at 106 West Way, Botley, Oxford, Oxon, OX2 9JU, NHI/16911/4-E;


(6)                    unauthorised basement extension at Cubs Puddle, Millway Lane, Appleton,OX13 5LD, APT/16711/3-E;


(7)                    unauthorised window openings and a two storey garage/playroom tower at 10 Hids Copse Road, Cumnor Hill, Oxford, OX2 9JJ, CUM/18082/3-E.


(b)      that consideration of whether to take no further action be deferred in respect of the following cases pending a report on the policy and other implications in these cases should enforcement be pursued: -


(1)      2 metre high fence adjacent to the highway at 22 Woodhill Drive, Grove, Wantage, OX12 0DF, GRO/14616/2-E;


(2)      2 metre high fence adjacent to the highway at  5 Collett Way, Grove, Wantage, OX12 0NT, GRO/8665/2-E


(proposed by Councillor Richard Farrell, seconded by Councillor Bob Johnston and agreed nem con)


(c)      that the Deputy Director (Planning and Community Strategy) be requested to report to the Committee on position of any enforcement cases outstanding since April 2005.

Supporting documents: