Agenda item

DRA/477/11 - Demolition of existing buildings. Erection of 4 dwellings with associated access and parking. Erection of double garage. The Green, Drayton, Abingdon, OX14 4JA

(Wards Affected: Drayton)


The Committee noted that the Parish Council had raised concern regarding the Red Line on the application drawings (which it was noted had now been corrected) and the use of the buildings as a work shop, although it was noted that this would be an ancillary use to the site.


It was noted that the local Member, Councillor Richard Webber had requested that the application be submitted to the Committee for determination. Unfortunately Councillor Webber was unable to attend the meeting but had submitted comments which were read out in full.  He particularly commented that the present owners of the site had no wish to put forward a proposal that would harm the village; the developers wished to develop the site in a way which enhanced the site; the site had been an “eyesore” in a prime location in the village for too long and the development would represent a substantial improvement; and the Committee should consider the removal of a number of mature poplar trees which had not be well maintained and were in a poor condition.


Councillor Webber had stated that a number of driveways to the new houses would be provided. The original `unofficial access` gate (pushed through onto the bridleway many years ago) which now gave the site access was to be replaced by access rites all along the bridleway.  The owners of the new houses would regularly drive down the bridleway to access their driveways and visitors to the new houses would park at the side of the bridleway. As such, he considered that the bridleway would be a bridleway in name only. He commented that the developer’s advice was that the bridleway was also an “unmetaled” road. Councillor Webber asked that should the Committee be minded to approve the application a condition be added to any permission seeking to minimise, and where possible alleviate, the impact of the development on the bridleway.

Further to the report the Committee was advised that the County Rights of Way Officer had submitted comments which were summarised in full at the meeting.  The County Rights of Way Officer had raised some concerns regarding a number of issues including that there should be no granite sets above ground level; concern regarding three bollards which might obstruct the use of the bridleway; no trees should be planted in the surface of the bridleway; and there should be no trees and plants on bridleway.   To this end it was agreed that an informative should be added to any permission to address these concerns.

In response to a comment made regarding permeable materials, the Officers explained that the surface material of the road would need to be in keeping with the rural character of a bridleway and that tarmac would not be appropriate.


One Member commented that to maintain the character of the bridleway appropriate surface materials might include tightly rolled crushed stone or grasscrete, although he did not support the use of grasscrete.  Another Member advised that hogging had different degrees of permeability and that it could be an appropriate material for a bridleway surface.


One Member expressed concern regarding the potential conflicts of use of the bridleway.


Another Member expressed concern regarding the installation of bollards and it was noted that the status of the bridleway was unknown.


By 14 votes to nil with 1 abstention it was




that application DRA/477/11 be approved subject to: -


(1)       the conditions set out in the report;


(2)       an informative to require permeable surfaces.


(3)       an informative regarding highway legislation advising that elements that block the highway can be removed.

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