Agenda item

NHI/19724 - New residential development, access and open space (site area 3.9 hectares). Land off Lime Road, Botley


(Councillor Matthew Barber declared a personal and prejudicial interest in this item and in accordance with Standing Order 34 he left the meeting during its consideration.  Councillors Roger Cox, Terry Cox and Bob Johnston all declared personal interests in this item and in accordance with Standing Order 34 they remained in the meeting during its consideration.) 


Further to the report, the Planning Officer updated the Committee on the County Engineer's consultation response.  The CountyEngineer raised no objection to the application subject to conditions and financial contributions towards the Oxford Transport Strategy and public transport.  In addition to items listed in the report, the District Council was also seeking a financial contribution towards providing composters.  In response to a local request for a 'bus gate' to link the adjoining Oxford Brookes campus, he reported that the applicant was uncertain about the bus routes through the site as no detailed site layout had been prepared, and had argued that the provision of a bus gate should be a matter for consideration at the reserved matters stage.  The officers agreed with the applicant that the provision of a bus gate could not be required by a condition but an informative could be placed on any permission to encourage its provision. 


Mr Eric Batts made a statement, on behalf of the Parish Council, in support of the application subject to financial contributions towards the improvement of the nearby Louie Memorial Field.  There was a need to improve the whole facility, not just the play equipment.  He urged the Committee to approve the application and ensure the Parish Council had priority for financial contributions. 


The officers reminded the Committee that the Council could only require financial contributions for facilities that reasonably related to the development. 


Mr Bryan Cranston made a statement objecting to the application, believing that he and his neighbours in Lime Road would be greatly affected by the proposed development.  Many local residents had signed a petition objecting to the development.  He believed that there would be an adverse impact on the health and wellbeing of the local community and there would be a strain on the sewer and surface water systems which were already inadequate.  There would also be a loss of view from his property, increased traffic, noise, increased use of the car park, potential reduction in house values, and mud on the roads from construction traffic. 


The officers reminded the Committee that loss of view and potential reduction in house values were not material planning considerations. 


The Local Member supported the Parish Council's request for a contribution towards improvements to the Memorial Field. 


The Committee recalled that the site had been allocated for housing development in the Local Plan at the request of the Local Plan Inquiry Inspector.  Therefore, the principle of development on the site had been established.  However, Members requested that best endeavours were used to introduce a bus gate on the site to link the development with Cumnor Hill.  All of the suggestions for financial contributions were supported, including the making of a financial contribution to the Louie Memorial Field in lieu of equipped play areas on the application site.  The inclusion of a condition regarding necessary drainage infrastructure was considered essential.  It was requested that the affordable housing provision should be spread throughout the site rather than being grouped in one area.  It was also suggested that the contribution towards the Oxford Transport Strategy should be spent in this locality. 


RESOLVED  (by 14 votes to nil)


that authority to approve application NHI/19724 be delegated to the Deputy Director (Planning and Community Strategy), in consultation with the Chair, Vice-Chair and Local Members, subject to:

(i)         Section 106 obligations to secure financial contributions and the provision of 40% affordable housing; and

(ii)        conditions to include access, provision of 15% public open space, and necessary drainage infrastructure. 

Supporting documents: