Agenda item

CHD/13083/9 - Siting of a Mobile Home, Meadow View Equine Centre, Ickleton Road, Childrey, Wantage


Further to the report the Officers explained that the circumstances were now different to those when previous applications had been considered, details of which were explained and included the increased boundary treatment at the site; planting which had now matured screening the site from the road, bridleways and footpaths and the extent of the centre’s activities.  It was noted that the Council had taken expert advice from an independent consultant and that the requirements of Planning Policy Statement 7 were now met.  The Officer specifically referred to the requirements for temporary accommodation and reported that the view of the consultants was that these requirements were all met.  Therefore, the Officers had concluded that there was no reason to refuse the application. 


The Officers reported that should the Committee be minded to approve the application an additional condition requiring details of the type of mobile home should be added together with an informative to advise that the home should be no larger than a two bed unit.


One Member questioned whether the home would be tied to the business, to which the Officers responded that the conditions were general and specified that the occupier needed to work in that type of business, but that they could work outside the site.  It was highlighted that the Committee need to have regard to the possibility that there could be a dwelling on the site, if the applicant sought to make an application at the end of this temporary permission.  It was noted that if the business failed to continue for the period of the temporary permission a condition could be added to require that the mobile home should be removed.


Some Members expressed concern about a home in the open countryside, although it was noted that there was a genuine business operating here.


One Member suggested that it might be appropriate to set out a reminder that any permanent dwelling would have an agricultural equestrian tie.  However, the Officers responded that this would be part of any application for permanent house.


Another Member commented that the application site was suitable to accommodate a mobile home.  However, assuming that the business continued to thrive over the next three years, he was uncertain that a house would be appropriate, especially in the same location as the mobile home and he expressed sympathy for the views of local people regarding visual impact. It was commented that a mobile home was less intrusive than a dwelling.  The Officers advised that any application for a house would need to be considered on its merits and that there would need to be a sound business justification.


By 15 votes to nil, with 1 abstention it was




that application CHD/13038/9 be approved subject to


(i)         the conditions set out in the report;


(ii)        a further condition to provide that should the equine centre cease to operate within the period of the temporary permission, the mobile home shall be removed from the site;


(iii)       a further condition requiring that details of the mobile home shall first be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority; and


(iv)       an informative advising the applicant that the Council is unlikely to consider a large mobile home (more than 2 bedrooms) acceptable.

Supporting documents:


Vale of White Horse District Council